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为什么这样做 Java的外包功能失败吗?
原标题:Why does this fadeOut function in JavaScript fail?
  • 时间:2011-04-24 17:53:26
  •  标签:
  • javascript
var d = document.getElementById("box");

function fadeOut(r, s) {
    if (!this instanceof Element) return false;
    this.style.opacity = ".90";
    var opacity = this.style.opacity;
    var t = setInterval(function() {
        if (!r) r = 500;
        opacity = (opacity) - s;
        if (opacity == ".0") return;
    }, r);

fadeOut.apply(d, [100, 5]);

It does not work. What went wrong?



  • You are only animating opacity – remember that IE<9 doesn t support this property.
  • All current browsers that support opacity also support transitions (Firefox 3.X is the exception, but that s not going to hang around now 4 is out).


-webkit-transition:opacity 0.6s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition:opacity 0.6s ease-in-out;
-o-transition:opacity 0.6s ease-in-out;
-ms-transition:opacity 0.6s ease-in-out;
transition:opacity 0.6s ease-in-out;


this.style.opacity = ".90";




var opacity = this.style.opacity;


function fadeOut(r, s) {
    var self = this;
    if (!self instanceof Element) return false;
    self.style.opacity = ".90";
    var t = setInterval(function() {
        if (!r) r = 500;
        self.style.opacity = self.style.opacity - s;
        if (self.style.opacity == ".0") {
    }, r);

Also, full opacity is 1 and none is 0. You are reducing it by s each time and s is defined as 5. Since you start by dropping to .9, you probably mean:

 fadeOut.apply(d, [100, .1]);

Your opacity starts at 0.9. Then you subtract 5 from it on every interval. What this means is that the first time the interval runs you will try to set the opacity to the string "-4.1", which will fail to parse as a valid opacity value, so the set will be ignored. And then you go around in circles. Did you mean 0.05 instead of 5? Or s/100 in the callback function?

var d = document.getElementById("box");

function fadeOut(r, s) {
    if (!this instanceof Element) return false;
    this.style.opacity = ".90";
    var opacity = this.style.opacity;
    var t = setInterval(function() {
        if (!r) r = 500;
        opacity = (opacity) - s;
        if (opacity == ".0") return;
    }, r); };

fadeOut.apply(d, [100, 5]);

There are many things wrong with this code.


opacity = parseInt(opacity) - 0.05 +   ;

平均率变成了星号,然后又增加了负0.05,然后用<代码>+ back。

其次,if (!r) r = 500;应当从匿名职能外界定。


var d = document.getElementById("box");

function fadeOut(fadeScaler, hertz) {
    if (!this instanceof Element) return false;
    hertz = (!hertz) ? 60 : hertz; // Approx 60 hertz refresh rate

    var opacity = this.style.opacity
        opacity = ".9";

    var t = setInterval(
       function() {
         opacity = parseInt(opacity) - fadeScaler +   ;

         if (parseInt(opacity) <= 0) 
       Math.floor(1000 / hertz)); // 1000 miliseconds / hertz = refresh rate

fadeOut.apply(d, [.05]);

更加注意你的法典的成文和风格。 一位立法者是智能代码。



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