English 中文(简体)
原标题:Maximum values possible in a WHERE IN query

I have a table with over 3000000 entries, and i need to delete 500000 of them with given ID s. My idea is to create a query like:

DELETE FROM TableName WHERE ID IN (id1, id2, ...........)

which I generate with a simple C# code. The question is: is there a limit to how many values I can set in the array of ID s.



At the end my solution which works not so bad: 1. Sorted the ID s (to save server paging) 2. Created with C# code query s with 500 ID s in them. 3. sent the query s one by one.

我假定,当我与1 000+毫升的电梯服务器一道工作时,处理盘问的时间正在放慢(在你在舱面服务器上运行的所有电问都正在处理和优化之后)。



如果能够以任何比较(如<编码>WHERE ID < 1000000<>/code>)确定你的身份证,你可以

  1. INSERT them into a temp table with multiple inserts and then
  2. JOIN this temp table to yours

但插入可能会产生问题。 你们应该检查这一点。 你们怎样才能加快这项工作?

  1. make deletes in several bulks
  2. insert IDs into temp table in bulks

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