English 中文(简体)
How to animate zoom on jquery iviewer plugin?
原标题:How to animate zoom on jquery iviewer plugin?

我有这种裂痕,即红om在照片上,但我要把动物群结起来,这样它就只是 t的,而是对动物群产生了同样的影响。 这是可能的吗?

The page I have the plugin set up on right now.

Maybe some such this

Below is the code I have for plugin


$.fn.iviewer  = function(o)
    return this.each(function()
                        $(this).data( viewer , new $iv(this,o));

var defaults = {
    * start zoom value for image, not used now
    * may be equal to "fit" to fit image into container or scale in % 
    zoom: "fit",
    * base value to scale image
    zoom_base: 100,
    * maximum zoom
    zoom_max: 800,
    * minimum zoom
    zoom_min: 25,
    * base of rate multiplier.
    * zoom is calculated by formula: zoom_base * zoom_delta^rate
    zoom_delta: 1.4,
    * if true plugin doesn t add its own controls
    ui_disabled: false,
    * if false, plugin doesn t bind resize event on window and this must 
    * be handled manually
    update_on_resize: true,
    * event is triggered when zoom value is changed
    * @param int new zoom value
    * @return boolean if false zoom action is aborted
    onZoom: null,
    * callback is fired after plugin setup
    initCallback: null,
    * event is fired on drag begin
    * @param object coords mouse coordinates on the image
    * @return boolean if false is returned, drag action is aborted
    onStartDrag: null,
    * event is fired on drag action
    * @param object coords mouse coordinates on the image
    onDrag: null,
    * event is fired when mouse moves over image
    * @param object coords mouse coordinates on the image
    onMouseMove: null,
    * mouse click event
    * @param object coords mouse coordinates on the image
    onClick: null,
    * event is fired when image starts to load
    onStartLoad: null,
    * event is fired, when image is loaded and initially positioned
    onFinishLoad: null

$.iviewer = function(e,o)
    var me = this;

    /* object containing actual information about image
    *   @img_object.object - jquery img object
    *   @img_object.orig_{width|height} - original dimensions
    *   @img_object.display_{width|height} - actual dimensions
    this.img_object = {};

    this.zoom_object = {}; //object to show zoom status
    this.image_loaded = false;

    //drag variables
    this.dx = 0; 
    this.dy = 0;
    this.dragged = false;

    this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, o || {});
    this.current_zoom = this.settings.zoom;

    if(this.settings.src === null){

    this.container = $(e);


    //init container

    if(this.settings.update_on_resize == true)

    this.img_object.x = 0;
    this.img_object.y = 0;

    //init object
    this.img_object.object = $("<img>").
    css({ position: "absolute", top :"0px", left: "0px"}). //this is needed, because chromium sets them auto otherwise
    //bind mouse events
    mousedown(function(e){ return me.drag_start(e); }).
    mousemove(function(e){return me.drag(e)}).
    mouseup(function(e){return me.drag_end(e)}).
    click(function(e){return me.click(e)}).
    mouseleave(function(e){return me.drag_end(e)}).
    mousewheel(function(ev, delta)
        //this event is there instead of containing div, because
        //at opera it triggers many times on div
        var zoom = (delta > 0)?1:-1;
        return false;




var $iv = $.iviewer;

$iv.fn = $iv.prototype = {
    iviewer : "0.4.2"
$iv.fn.extend = $iv.extend = $.extend;


    loadImage: function(src)
        this.current_zoom = this.settings.zoom;
        this.image_loaded = false;
        var me = this;


        this.img_object.object.unbind( load ).
            css({ top: 0, left: 0 }).
                me.image_loaded = true;
                me.img_object.display_width = me.img_object.orig_width = this.width;
                me.img_object.display_height = me.img_object.orig_height = this.height;


                if(me.settings.zoom == "fit"){
                else {


            //src attribute is after setting load event, or it won t work

    * fits image in the container
    fit: function()
        var aspect_ratio = this.img_object.orig_width / this.img_object.orig_height;
        var window_ratio = this.settings.width /  this.settings.height;
        var choose_left = (aspect_ratio > window_ratio);
        var new_zoom = 0;

            new_zoom = this.settings.width / this.img_object.orig_width * 100;
        else {
            new_zoom = this.settings.height / this.img_object.orig_height * 100;


    * center image in container
    center: function()
        this.setCoords(-Math.round((this.img_object.display_height - this.settings.height)/2),
                       -Math.round((this.img_object.display_width - this.settings.width)/2));

    *   move a point in container to the center of display area
    *   @param x a point in container
    *   @param y a point in container
    moveTo: function(x, y)
        var dx = x-Math.round(this.settings.width/2);
        var dy = y-Math.round(this.settings.height/2);

        var new_x = this.img_object.x - this.dx;
        var new_y = this.img_object.y - this.dy;

        this.setCoords(new_x, new_y);

    * set coordinates of upper left corner of image object
    setCoords: function(x,y)
        //do nothing while image is being loaded

        //check new coordinates to be correct (to be in rect)
        if(y > 0){
            y = 0;
        if(x > 0){
            x = 0;
        if(y + this.img_object.display_height < this.settings.height){
            y = this.settings.height - this.img_object.display_height;
        if(x + this.img_object.display_width < this.settings.width){
            x = this.settings.width - this.img_object.display_width;
        if(this.img_object.display_width <= this.settings.width){
            x = -(this.img_object.display_width - this.settings.width)/2;
        if(this.img_object.display_height <= this.settings.height){
            y = -(this.img_object.display_height - this.settings.height)/2;

        this.img_object.x = x;
        this.img_object.y = y;

        this.img_object.object.css("top",y + "px")
                         .css("left",x + "px");

    * convert coordinates on the container to the coordinates on the image (in original size)
    * @return object with fields x,y according to coordinates or false
    * if initial coords are not inside image
    containerToImage : function (x,y)
        if(x < this.img_object.x || y < this.img_object.y ||
           x > this.img_object.x + this.img_object.display_width ||
           y > this.img_object.y + this.img_object.display_height)
            return false;

        return { x :  $iv.descaleValue(x - this.img_object.x, this.current_zoom),
                 y :  $iv.descaleValue(y - this.img_object.y, this.current_zoom)

    * convert coordinates on the image (in original size) to the coordinates on the container
    * @return object with fields x,y according to coordinates or false
    * if initial coords are not inside image
    imageToContainer : function (x,y)
        if(x > this.img_object.orig_width || y > this.img_object.orig_height)
            return false;

        return { x : this.img_object.x + $iv.scaleValue(x, this.current_zoom),
                 y : this.img_object.y + $iv.scaleValue(y, this.current_zoom)

    * get mouse coordinates on the image
    * @param e - object containing pageX and pageY fields, e.g. mouse event object
    * @return object with fields x,y according to coordinates or false
    * if initial coords are not inside image
    getMouseCoords : function(e)
        var img_offset = this.img_object.object.offset();

        return { x : $iv.descaleValue(e.pageX - img_offset.left, this.current_zoom),
                 y : $iv.descaleValue(e.pageY - img_offset.top, this.current_zoom)

    * set image scale to the new_zoom
    * @param new_zoom image scale in % 
    set_zoom: function(new_zoom)
        if(this.settings.onZoom && this.settings.onZoom.call(this, new_zoom) == false)

        //do nothing while image is being loaded

        if(new_zoom <  this.settings.zoom_min)
            new_zoom = this.settings.zoom_min;
        else if(new_zoom > this.settings.zoom_max)
            new_zoom = this.settings.zoom_max;

        /* we fake these values to make fit zoom properly work */
        if(this.current_zoom == "fit")
            var old_x = Math.round(this.settings.width/2 + this.img_object.orig_width/2);
            var old_y = Math.round(this.settings.height/2 + this.img_object.orig_height/2);
            this.current_zoom = 100;
        else {
            var old_x = -parseInt(this.img_object.object.css("left"),10) +
            var old_y = -parseInt(this.img_object.object.css("top"),10) + 

        var new_width = $iv.scaleValue(this.img_object.orig_width, new_zoom);
        var new_height = $iv.scaleValue(this.img_object.orig_height, new_zoom);
        var new_x = $iv.scaleValue( $iv.descaleValue(old_x, this.current_zoom), new_zoom);
        var new_y = $iv.scaleValue( $iv.descaleValue(old_y, this.current_zoom), new_zoom);

        new_x = this.settings.width/2 - new_x;
        new_y = this.settings.height/2 - new_y;

        this.img_object.display_width = new_width;
        this.img_object.display_height = new_height;

        this.setCoords(new_x, new_y);

        this.current_zoom = new_zoom;

        $.isFunction( this.settings.onAfterZoom ) && this.settings.onAfterZoom.call( this, new_zoom );

    * changes zoom scale by delta
    * zoom is calculated by formula: zoom_base * zoom_delta^rate 
    * @param Integer delta number to add to the current multiplier rate number 
    zoom_by: function(delta)
        var closest_rate = this.find_closest_zoom_rate(this.current_zoom);

        var next_rate = closest_rate + delta;
        var next_zoom = this.settings.zoom_base * Math.pow(this.settings.zoom_delta, next_rate)
        if(delta > 0 && next_zoom < this.current_zoom)
            next_zoom *= this.settings.zoom_delta;

        if(delta < 0 && next_zoom > this.current_zoom)
            next_zoom /= this.settings.zoom_delta;


    * finds closest multiplier rate for value
    * basing on zoom_base and zoom_delta values from settings
    * @param Number value zoom value to examine
    find_closest_zoom_rate: function(value)
        if(value == this.settings.zoom_base)
            return 0;

        function div(val1,val2) { return val1 / val2 };
        function mul(val1,val2) { return val1 * val2 };

        var func = (value > this.settings.zoom_base)?mul:div;
        var sgn = (value > this.settings.zoom_base)?1:-1;

        var mltplr = this.settings.zoom_delta;
        var rate = 1;

        while(Math.abs(func(this.settings.zoom_base, Math.pow(mltplr,rate)) - value) > 
              Math.abs(func(this.settings.zoom_base, Math.pow(mltplr,rate+1)) - value))

        return sgn * rate;

    /* update scale info in the container */
    update_status: function()
            var percent = Math.round(100*this.img_object.display_height/this.img_object.orig_height);
                this.zoom_object.html(percent + "%");

    update_container_info: function()
        this.settings.height = this.container.height();
        this.settings.width = this.container.width();

    *   callback for handling mousdown event to start dragging image
    drag_start: function(e)
        if(this.settings.onStartDrag && 
           this.settings.onStartDrag.call(this,this.getMouseCoords(e)) == false)
            return false;

        /* start drag event*/
        this.dragged = true;

        this.dx = e.pageX - this.img_object.x;
        this.dy = e.pageY - this.img_object.y;
        return false;

    *   callback for handling mousmove event to drag image
    drag: function(e)
        this.settings.onMouseMove && 

            this.settings.onDrag && 

            var ltop =  e.pageY -this.dy;
            var lleft = e.pageX -this.dx;

            this.setCoords(lleft, ltop);
            return false;

    *   callback for handling stop drag
    drag_end: function(e)

    click: function(e)
        this.settings.onClick && 

    *   create zoom buttons info box
    createui: function()
        var me=this; 

        mousedown(function(){me.zoom_by(1); return false;}).appendTo(this.container);

        mousedown(function(){me.zoom_by(- 1); return false;}).appendTo(this.container);

        mousedown(function(){me.set_zoom(100); return false;}).appendTo(this.container);

        mousedown(function(){me.fit(this); return false;}).appendTo(this.container);

        this.zoom_object = $("<div>").addClass("iviewer_zoom_status").addClass("iviewer_common").

        this.update_status(); //initial status update

    scaleValue: function(value, toZoom)
        return value * toZoom / 100;

    descaleValue: function(value, fromZoom)
        return value * 100 / fromZoom;



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