English 中文(简体)
原标题:Add numeric pager to jqGrid


Instead of Page 1 of 20, I want to have the paging be like 1,2,3,4 > >> and when I click on 4 it would something like << < 4,5,6,7 > >>

I ve seen how other grids do it, but I can t seem to find a built in way for jqGrid to do it. I may have a way to implement it, but I don t want to reinvent the wheel if there is something already out there. It would involve me adding custom buttons after getting userdata from the grid s data to determine the pages available.

Telerik s grid do it (http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/grid).


Ohhh! 期间 我写了《火法》的另一份版本。 然而,两个工作版本比任何人都好。

我做了小的解说,说明如何执行与页数链接的行为。 我这样说了,这样它就能够以表格的形式显示页数。


(如果pginput: mis para amount of jqGrid are used) or in form


在这两种情况下,本页不会在名单上展示。 如何看到我插入这些联系的强调风格。 如果你不喜欢,你就应当删除。

td.myPager a { text-decoration:underline !important }

页: 1 http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/Simple LocalGridWithLinkPager.htm”rel=“noretinger”>here和here

相应的 Java本代码全文载于<代码>Complete。 活动手稿:

loadComplete: function() {
    var i, myPageRefresh = function(e) {
        var newPage = $(e.target).text();

    $(grid[0].p.pager +  _center td.myPager ).remove();
    var pagerPrevTD = $( <td> , { class: "myPager"}), prevPagesIncluded = 0,
        pagerNextTD = $( <td> , { class: "myPager"}), nextPagesIncluded = 0,
        totalStyle = grid[0].p.pginput === false,
        startIndex = totalStyle? this.p.page-MAX_PAGERS*2: this.p.page-MAX_PAGERS;
    for (i=startIndex; i<=this.p.lastpage && (totalStyle? (prevPagesIncluded+nextPagesIncluded<MAX_PAGERS*2):(nextPagesIncluded<MAX_PAGERS)); i++) {
        if (i<=0 || i === this.p.page) { continue; }

        var link = $( <a> , { href: # , click:myPageRefresh });
        if (i<this.p.page || totalStyle) {
            if (prevPagesIncluded>0) { pagerPrevTD.append( <span>,&nbsp;</span> ); }
        } else {
            if (nextPagesIncluded>0 || (totalStyle && prevPagesIncluded>0)) { pagerNextTD.append( <span>,&nbsp;</span> ); }
    if (prevPagesIncluded > 0) {
        $(grid[0].p.pager +  _center td[id^="prev"] ).after(pagerPrevTD);
    if (nextPagesIncluded > 0) {
        $(grid[0].p.pager +  _center td[id^="next"] ).before(pagerNextTD);

where grid and MAX_PAGERS are defined as

var grid = $("#list"), MAX_PAGERS = 2;

就我所知,在酒吧没有解决办法,你必须这样做。 (一) 页码:

function jqgridCreatePager(pagernav,navgrid,pages){
    $( # +pagernav+  # +pagernav+ _center td:has(input) ).attr( id , pager );
    var td = $( # +pagernav+  # +pagernav+ _center #pager ).html(  );
    var page = parseInt(jQuery("#"+navgrid).jqGrid( getGridParam , page ))
    var lastPage = parseInt(jQuery("#"+navgrid).jqGrid( getGridParam , lastpage ))
    text=  ;
    if(page-pages > 1){
            text+=   ...  
    for(var i=0;i <pages;i++){
        if(page-pages+i >=1)

    text +=jqgridCreatePageLink(navgrid,page,true);

    for(var i=0;i <pages;i++){
        if(page+i+1 <= lastPage) 
            text +=jqgridCreatePageLink(navgrid,page+i+1)

    if(page+pages <= lastPage){
        text+=   ...  

    var td = $( # +pagernav+  # +pagernav+ _center #pager ).html(text);


function jqgridCreatePageLink(navgrid,page,current){
    if (!current)
        return   <a href="#" onclick="jQuery( # +navgrid+  ).jqGrid( setGridParam ,{page: +page+ }).trigger( reloadGrid )"> +page+ </a>  ;
    return   > +page+ <  


jqgridCreatePager( yourGridNavigator , yourGrid ,3)


jqgridCreatePager( yourGridNavigator , yourGrid ,3)




$( #yourGridNavigator_center ).show();


  • first is your grid navigator id
  • second is your grid id
  • this third parameter of the function is how many pages should be displayed before and after current page



loadComplete: function() {
    var grid = this;
    var container = jQuery("#prev_jqGridTablePager").next().next();
    jQuery(container).html(  );

    var totalPages = grid.p.lastpage;
    for (var i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
        if (i == grid.p.page) {
            jQuery(container).append("<span class= pagination current >" + i + "</span>");
        } else {
            jQuery(container).append("<a class= pagination  href= javascript: void(0) >" + i + "</a>");

    jQuery(container).find("a.pagination").click(function(e) {

        var newPage = jQuery(this).text();
        jQuery(grid).trigger("reloadGrid", [{ page: newPage }]);

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