English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to change HTML codes to symbols iphone

我写了一种功能,即修改“&rsaquo;”、“&laquo;至符号“›”““<>,”等,我希望与中流用户分享这一功能。 如果你建议如何更好地发挥这一作用,请写! 谢谢!

- (NSString*) ChangeAccentsLettersToSymbols: (NSString*) strToCorrect {
    NSLog(@"ChangeAccentsLettersToSymbols Entered
    static NSString * const codeMap[][2] = {
        {@"&iexcl;",    @"¡"},  {@"&laquo;",    @"«"},  {@"&raquo;",    @"»"},  {@"&lsaquo;",   @"‹"},  
        {@"&rsaquo;",   @"›"},  {@"&sbquo;",    @"‚"},  {@"&bdquo;",    @"„"},  {@"&ldquo;",    @"“"},  
        {@"&rdquo;",    @"”"},  {@"&lsquo;",    @"‘"},  {@"&rsquo;",    @"’"},  {@"&cent;",     @"¢"},
        {@"&pound;",    @"£"},  {@"&yen;",      @"¥"},  {@"&euro;",     @"€"},  {@"&curren;",   @"¤"},  
        {@"&fnof;",     @"ƒ"},  {@"&gt;",       @">"},  {@"&lt;",       @"<"},  {@"&divide;",   @"÷"},  
        {@"&deg;",      @"°"},  {@"&not;",      @"¬"},  {@"&plusmn;",   @"±"},  {@"&micro;",    @"µ"},
        {@"&amp;",      @"&"},  {@"&reg;",      @"®"},  {@"&copy;",     @"©"},  {@"&trade;",    @"™"},  
        {@"&bull;",     @"•"},  {@"&middot;",   @"·"},  {@"&sect;",     @"§"},  {@"&ndash;",    @"–"},  
        {@"&mdash;",    @"—"},  {@"&dagger;",   @"†"},  {@"&Dagger;",   @"‡"},  {@"&loz;",      @"◊"},
        {@"&uarr;",     @"↑"},  {@"&darr;",     @"↓"},  {@"&larr;",     @"←"},  {@"&rarr;",     @"→"},  
        {@"&harr;",     @"↔"},  {@"&iquest;",   @"¿"},  {@"&nbsp;",     @" "},  {@"&quot;",     @"""}
    int count = sizeof(codeMap)/sizeof(codeMap[0]);
    for( int i=0; i<count; ++i ) {
        strToCorrect = [ strToCorrect stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: codeMap[i][0] 
                                                                withString: codeMap[i][1] ];

    for( int i=33; i<126; ++i) {
        NSString* whotToReplace = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"&#%d;", i];
        NSString* replaceWith   = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c", (char*)i ];
        strToCorrect = [strToCorrect stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: whotToReplace
                                                               withString: replaceWith ];
    return strToCorrect;


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