English 中文(简体)
如果是 j,则放弃
原标题:When is a java exception thrown
  • 时间:2011-04-29 13:16:58
  •  标签:
  • java

Please see below pseudocode method. If the call to readUrls() throws an exception, doesn t that mean that closeConnection() will not be executed and program flow will return to the method that calls getdata()?

增 编

getdata() throws Exception

你的假设是正确的。 避免这种情况:

getdata() throws Exception
    try { 
    } finally {

是的,如果readUrls(>> ,则该流程将恢复使用getdata())”这一方法,届时将发生相同的情况,直至:

  • there is a catch block, where the exception is handled
  • the exception bubbles up to the main method / to the run method of the thread.

当一个例外被推翻时,现行方法被打断,立即返回。 (最后报表中Connection)

It depends if you have not handled exception in readUrls() then Yes what you are saying is correct. That means you do not have try...catch in readUrls() method.

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