English 中文(简体)
• 如何只通过火药重载文字
原标题:how to reload only scripts through firebug

我在做很多事情时,ja得.。 我重复的情景是:

  1. load page
  2. change some scripts for that page
  3. reload page with ctrl+f5 and see if it works

我想做的是,只重载整页的文字,因为标识是相同的。 这样做的任何途径?


首先,尝试并尽量减少这种测试。 书写原,DRY代码,并在将它并入现场/网页之前进行单位测试。 你们可以在青.的 con子里迅速这样做。

Next, if the JS that you are reloading sets intervals or event listeners, then you will want to clear those intervals and unbind those listeners before reloading the JS under test. That means that anonymous intervals and event handlers are forbidden.



function addJS_Node (text, s_URL)
    var scriptNode                      = document.createElement ( script );
    scriptNode.type                     = "text/javascript";

    if (text)  scriptNode.textContent   = text;
    if (s_URL) scriptNode.src           = s_URL;

    document.head.appendChild (scriptNode);

addJS_Node (null,  Path_to_JS/ResetTimersAndEvents.js );

addJS_Node (null,  Path_to_JS/JS_Under_Test.js );
// etc.

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