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原标题:How do WPF themes get loaded?

计生联控制从一个主题(即,在列报框架中)获得其缺省风格、颜色和rush。 空气。

这组装上了什么东西? 资源词典存放在哪里?

I have my own WPF custom themes and load them in the Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionary. However, this does not work if the WPF themed control is hosted in Windows Forms since Application.Current is null.

是否有办法采取类似于世界森林论坛的做法? 如果是,情况如何?


由于Winforms是两种不同的技术,你不能使用WPF主题。 Winforms本土没有类似的主题机制。 你们可以利用支持温斯群岛主题的第三方控制。 其中最值得注意的是来自不友爱和Telerik的工具。




(answering my own question) The way to load a resource dictionary as a theme is to add it to the list of merged dictionaries of the generic.xaml resource dictionary.


This works fine when used from WinForms

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