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原标题:Get plain text from HTML in .NET


public string GetPlainText(string htmlString)
    // any .NET built in utility?

预 收



string htmlString = @"<p>I m HTML!</p>";
Regex.Replace(htmlString, @"<(.|
)*?>", "");


//using microsoft.mshtml
HTMLDocument htmldoc = new HTMLDocument();
IHTMLDocument2 htmldoc2 = (IHTMLDocument2)htmldoc;
htmldoc2.write(new object[] { "<p>Plateau <i>of<i> <b>Leng</b><hr /><b erp="arp">2 sugars please</b> <xxx>what? &amp; who?" });

string txt = htmldoc2.body.outerText;

Plateau of Leng 2 sugars please what? & who?


If you need to parse HTML I made good experience using a library called HTML Agility Pack.
It parses an HTML file and provides access to it by DOM, similar to the XML classes.

个人方面,我发现,reg和 H的结合是最佳和最短的解决办法。

Return HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(
                Regex.Replace(HtmlString, "<(.|
)*?>", "")


采用的方法建立了网。 但是,正如@rudi_visser所指出的,可以通过Regular expressions进行。


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