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Java SWT的Windows应用是否会在安乐施上?
原标题:Will a Java SWT application for Windows run on Android?
  • 时间:2011-05-08 15:17:07
  •  标签:
  • android
  • swt

(Juststart to Anders Day) 我愿知道,已经写成的Java SWT申请能否在安乐堡进行? 我指的是:是否存在一个SWT层,其具体位置是Anderson,它将允许在Windows与SWT一道运行一个天天,用于Windows层,并同时管理Andre? 专用平台是表格(不是电话)。

(我看联邦调查局,但2个问题无助于我——人们引述了南太大条约,但我不理解为什么会 s。)



页: 1

我正在研究一种书写信箱的方法,该信台和台式都能够发挥作用。 在我的特殊情况下,我有兴趣形成一种可以使用SWT的台式 desktop和使用Athrys图书馆的陈词典。

我的解决办法? • 创建连接海底图象图书馆并使用SWT作为制造引擎的硬盘。

I ve put together a very crude prototype that demonstrates this: https://github.com/davidair/android-swt-demo

I am not sure if this would help you in any way, because what you want is SWT on Android, not Android on Desktop, but perhaps you may find this idea useful.

P.S. I am Android novice, so this might not even make sense ;)

P.P.S. The only reason I developed this prototype was that the Android emulator is really slow...

No. SWT has not been ported to Android yet. But there is a discussion today in the e4 mailing list about the possibility of JFace viewers: http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/e4-dev/msg05191.html

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