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定 义 在条件成熟之前
原标题:Make setTimeout Call Itself, Until Condition is True

I have an input-field inside a form, which class changes dynamically, depending on an ajax-script (which i can not modify) from "foo" to "foo bar" back to "foo". I would like to modify the style of the field, when it s length is > 0, it s value does not contain "nid" and it s class is not "bar". My first idea was to have a setTimeout, that gets called every time the input field s class is "bar", until it is "foo". But i do not know whether this is good practice, nor how to do it …


The easiest thing would be to bind the change or keydown event on the element to catch if the contents of the field matches.

如果与你相匹配,如果与你相匹配,则添加一个类别 fxbaz

这将使你能够把这个要素带上安全局。 采用<条码>条码/代码”的规则,该规则将高于<条码>baz<>。


罚款。 或者,如果满足条件,你可以使用将多次发射的隔膜,然后打上清晰的间隔。

http://whattheheadsaid.com 该系统使所有主要浏览器的超文本5<代码>输入活动实现正常化,从而可以发现关键板的投入、拼凑的更正、过去、ging积和安放等。


$("#myInput").input(function () {
    var $this = $(this), val = this.value;
    if (val.length && val.indexOf("nid") === -1 && !$this.hasClass("bar"))
        $this.css("color", "red");
        $this.css("color", "green");


oninput has many benefits over using timers or the onkeyup event, such as code execution before the new value is painted on the screen. In fact, it s perfect for this type of situation.

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