I m not doing too bad with layouts at the moment but there is just one piece I can t seem to do with ease. Imagine if you will two, or three buttons next to each other and I want them all to be the same size (width) relative to the width of the screen. e.g if the screen was 300 pixels each one would be 100 pixels wide (Assuming there is no boarder etc). A good example of this would be in Excel, I would select three columns next to each other and hit "Distribute cell widths evenly"
因此,我的问题。 相对而言,在两个或两个以上的州之间找到一个比较容易的办法,而且它们的宽度会自动调整,因此,不管案文或图像如何,宽度都是相同的。
I could use code to get the screen width and manually setup the button s width s but I d rather the Android OS did it automatically.