为什么再造的形象看上象吗? 在不改变形象档案的情况下,我能做什么? 如果图像含有大量的数学或文字,则烟zzi就特别令人厌恶。
为什么再造的形象看上象吗? 在不改变形象档案的情况下,我能做什么? 如果图像含有大量的数学或文字,则烟zzi就特别令人厌恶。
我知道这是很晚的,但你可以采用oh光轮,把火焰推到使图像更好。 我试图通过<条码>译文()使图像产生同样效果......没有效果。
.image-scale-hack {
transform: rotate( .0001deg );
if( "MozAppearance" in document.documentElement.style ) {
$( .logo img ).addClass( image-scale-hack );
I 避免一切代价的浏览器。 我借用这名牙齿。 ......
值得注意的是,这种trick光可用于强迫子纤维图像在网基和火ox中形成。 这对非常缓慢的估算非常有用,最好以实例说明:
I think your answer is in the link from above https://developer.mozilla.org/En/CSS/Image-rendering: Currently auto and optimizeQuality are equal by default, both result in bilinear resampling. default value IE8+: bicubic (high quality)
Next see: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/07/better-image-resizing.html When making an image smaller, use bicubic, which has a natural sharpening effect. You want to emphasize the data that remains in the new, smaller image after discarding all that extra detail from the original image.
TL;DR:图像推广不大可能很快固定下来。 大约在任何地方。
Longer version:
Eris Brasseur has a page that deals nicely with the broader question "Why is just about any image scaling software so bad?"
Since W3C s position on this matter is roughly that it s better to have an incorrect but equally incorrect implementation everywhere, they shun any proper dealing with Gamma (which would complicate matters slightly). Thus anyone accustomed to web standards is likely to continue ignoring Gamma, leading to the effects described by Eric and in this thread. This ensures that even downscaling is far from being well-defined, as Jeff Atwood puts it in an Article linked in another answer.
在这种环境中,像Lanczos thrive 这样的方法,如果他们声称自己厌恶,即使执行不当,其效果也相当好。
In other words, browsers are the software equivalent of McDonald s burgers, and that fact will stay. Its implications need not, but the odds are skewed.
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