English 中文(简体)
当我印刷我的网页时,我就失去了所有的颜色。 是否有一个选择或文字,可以准确打印一个网页?
原标题:When I print my webpage I lose all the css colouring. Is there an option or script to print a webpage exactly how it looks?

我的网页主要有一张桌子。 表栏有不同的背景。


颜色不是灰色,它们只是不 t。





This is possibly a CSS issue. Check your stylesheet MEDIA type http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/media.html

selected text in iframe

How to get a selected text inside a iframe. I my page i m having a iframe which is editable true. So how can i get the selected text in that iframe.

How to fire event handlers on the link using javascript

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How to Add script codes before the </body> tag ASP.NET

Heres the problem, In Masterpage, the google analytics code were pasted before the end of body tag. In ASPX page, I need to generate a script (google addItem tracker) using codebehind ClientScript ...

Clipboard access using Javascript - sans Flash?

Is there a reliable way to access the client machine s clipboard using Javascript? I continue to run into permissions issues when attempting to do this. How does Google Docs do this? Do they use ...

javascript debugging question

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Parsing date like twitter

I ve made a little forum and I want parse the date on newest posts like twitter, you know "posted 40 minutes ago ","posted 1 hour ago"... What s the best way ? Thanx.
