English 中文(简体)
原标题:conditional return type not valid with prisma

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm 载于<>Express内的类型:

type SerializedFunction<Serialized, Unserialized> 
    = <B extends boolean>(serialize: B) 
    => Promise<B extends true 
        ? (Serialized   | null) 
        : (Unserialized | null)


import type { examples } from "@prisma/client";

interface DataSerialized{
    foo: string;
    bar: number;

const data: SerializedFunction<DataSerialized, examples> = async serialize => {
    // Return non-serialized data.
    if(!serialized) return await prisma.examples.findFirst({ 
        // ...

    const example = await prisma.examples.findFirst({
        // ...
        select: {
            foo: true,
            bar: true,

    if(!example) return null;
    return {
        bar: await doSomethingWithBar(bar)


Type examples | { 
    // The object specified in the first "findFirst" call...
is not assignable to type  B extends true ? DataSerialized : examples .

Type  examples  is not assignable to type  B extends true ? DataSerialized : examples 



您所期待的是dis discrimination Union

其工作方式是,你根据“静态”价值界定了两种类型的相同结构(或基于不同歧视类型的多种选择),但有一个类型,即: 不分青红皂白的(决定因素)。 您通过“硬编码”在多边贸易体系类型(通常为一种类型(定义))中的一种价值(aka字面)来这样做,但在这种情况下,确实是假的,或“指示”的。


type DataSerialized = {...}
type ExampleType = {...}

type MyReturnType = {
   serialized: true;
   data: DataSerialized
} | {
   serialized: false;
   data: ExampleType


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