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A. 更新A AsyncTask的金融情报组
原标题:Updating the UI in an AsyncTask

Hey, So after looking around It seems the consensus is that by using publishProgress() would be the way to update the UI for longer calculations. I seem to haave implemented this incorrectly though, because when I run this code I get an ANR. Can you help me understand why?

Here is my code: http://pastebin.com/zQNhkDJ9



您的问题可能是,你的工作职责只是要求出版。 进展。 你们的所有工作都在《Progress》的出版中进行,《Progress》的版面已经开通,因此,你仍然能够以这种方式获得美国国家情报局。 你们需要在InBackground做重的提升,然后,在你进行处理之后,你可以更新情报和安全局。


你们需要把阿斯辛卡·塔克作为固定的内产阶级,并拥有一个提及你活动的财产。 然后,你可以直接要求你们的活动,就像你要求点名一样。


My pattern is to have another basic Java object, usually another private static class in the Activity which I call "StateHolder" and its my gateway for handling the AsyncTask stuff, such as initializing it and clearing it out (setting to NULL) and cancelling any tasks in progress during rotation changes. In your callback for "onRetainNonConfigurationInstance" you can pass use your StateHolder as your marshalled object.


private static class GetConnectionsStatusTask extends AsyncTask { private BoothActivity mActivity; private Exception mReason;

public GetConnectionsStatusTask(BoothActivity activity) {
    mActivity = activity;

public void setActivity(BoothActivity activity) {
    mActivity = activity;

protected void onPreExecute() {
    if(mActivity != null) {
        mActivity.startProgressBar("Loading", "Please wait");

protected Connections doInBackground(Void... values) {
    try {
        App app = (App)mActivity.getApplication();
    }catch(Exception e) {
        mReason = e;

protected void onPostExecute(Connections status) {
    if(mActivity != null) {
        mActivity.completedConnectionsStatusCheck(status, mReason);

private static class StateHolder { private GetConnectionsStatusTask connectionsTask;

public void cancelTasks() {
        if (connectionsTask != null) {
            connectionsTask = null;
    public void setActivityForTasks(BoothActivity activity) {
        if (connectionsTask != null) {

    public void startConnections(BoothActivity activity) {
        if(mIsConnectionsChecking == false) {
            mIsConnectionsChecking = true;
            connectionsTask = new GetConnectionsStatusTask(activity);

然后,在Pause 我有这样的法典:

        if(mStateHolder != null) {


    Object retained = getLastNonConfigurationInstance();
    if(retained != null && retained instanceof StateHolder) {
        mStateHolder = (StateHolder) retained;
     } else {
       mStateHolder = new StateHolder();



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