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EditText 重点不一
原标题:EditText focus inconsistent across layouts

我有两种不同的主轴文档,一种是孔隙,一种是布局。 每个人都在一份情况表内有这一守则。

        android:hint="observer name"
        android:hint="phone number"


奇怪的是:就我所知,你不应能够提及在Xml发生的 t事件,因此,由于电话的传说,甲状腺素:nextFocusDown=“@id/phone”应当失败;这正是我的地貌Xml发生的事情,而不是在孔隙发生的事情。 在孔隙中,它完美地运作,并通过所有四个无照的EditText。 如果我把下一个焦点放在地貌上,那么它就将无法汇编成册,称“没有发现与特定名称相匹配的资源(在下一个顶点,其价值为@id/phone )。

A solution or explanation would be great. The idea is that I have four text boxes in two different LinearLayouts and whichever one has focus first will pass it to the EditText beneath it, skipping the others. I want it to work as I have it in portrait layout, when the user hits next on the name, focus moves to phone, when they hit next on that it moves to email, etc. I m also curious as to why it is letting this work in portrait but not landscape.


This is a really old post but I m answering it as best I can. From what I know you put the + sign the first time you are referencing the id, so on your: android:nextFocusDown="@id/phone" should actually be android:nextFocusDown="@+id/phone because it is the first time you are referencing that object. Then take out the + sign where you have android:id="@+id/phone"

Hope this helps anyone who comes across this.

You are using "@id/phone" try using "@+id/phone" the + is necessary to reference the id of the object

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