English 中文(简体)
I. 汇编中所有变量的方面 股
原标题:IFields for all variables from CompilationUnit

页: 1 I Field or IJavaElement reference for all factors in my source Code. 我使用花gin,获得一个大学,我能够从中阅读所有顶级物体,使用:

(IJavaElement i:unit.getTypes(0).getChildren())


(IJavaElement i:unit.getAllTypes())

我如何能够获取当地变量? 我正试图将ICompilationUnit调往Unit,在那里,I能够取得每个领域的ATNode,但随后是。 I m 无法将其转化成I Field。 任何想法?

//edit: For example: For a class:

公共职务 试 测

int global1; int global2; void a() { global1 = 4; int local1; int local2 = 5; iii



for (IType type : unit.getTypes()) { System.out.println("itype "+type); for (IField iField : type.getFields()) { System.out.println("iField "+iField); iiiiii


itype class Test [in [Working copy] Test.java [in [in src [in testowy]]]] int global1 int global2 void a() iField int global1 [in Test [in [Working copy] Test.java [in [in src [in testowy]]]]] iField int global2 [in Test [in [Working copy] Test.java [in [in src [in testowy]]]]]


//added - still struggling: Actually it s not the behavior I was expecting.

for( IMethod i:unit.getAllTypes()[0].getMethods() )
        System.out.println("index to h:"+h+" type "+i.getSource()+" name: "+i.getElementName());
        int o =0;
        for( IJavaElement j: i.getChildren() )
                System.out.println("index to o: "+o+j+" type "+j.getElementType()+" name: "+j.getElementName());


该法典第一版预计会找到所有方法(这些方法可行),并从方法(即工作)中获取所有当地变量。 它从未进入田间。 它正确地印刷功能声明,以确保它看到所有变量......

And as for using INodes, I can visit all nodes, but how can I change type from Node to IField/IJavaElement which I need?




for (IType type : iCompilationUnit.getTypes()) {
    for (IField iField : type.getFields()) {

However, if you want to find all variable declarations (both fields and local variables), you d better use an ASTVisitor. This will visit your whole AST and you ll just have toimplement the visit methods for the desired AST elements, in your case I guess it would be the VariableDeclarationFragment s.

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