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Caliburn。 微观问题: XamlParseException “Cannot set known member{clr-namespace:Caliburn.Micro;assembly=Caliburn.Micro}View.Model”
原标题:Caliburn.Micro question: XamlParseException "Cannot set unknown member {clr-namespace:Caliburn.Micro;assembly=Caliburn.Micro}View.Model "


该电文是“Cannot 个不明成员{clr-namespace:Caliburn.Micro;assembly=Caliburn.Micro}View.Model ......


internal class EntityListScreenViewModel : Screen
    public EntityListScreenViewModel()
        var list = new List<Entity>() { new Entity() { Name = "Joe" } };
        this.Entities = new ObservableCollection<Entity>(list);

    public ObservableCollection<Entity> Entities { get; set; }


<Window x:Class="WpfApp.EntityListScreenView"
        Height="350" Width="525">
        <ListBox x:Name="Entities"/>

当我叫WowManager时。 在实体ListScreenViewModel一案中,我获得例外。

如果Ido not在名单上添加一个实体(使用var list=新的清单和编号;意向和; 相反,我没有例外。

Does anybody have any ideas?


我试图将可观察的Collection改变为类型扼杀,并添加了单一体,我没有例外。 我怀疑是卡利伯。 微额贷款在某种程度上试图代表实体加入名单Box。 这也许是什么?


I finally figured out what was really going on... the DefaultItemTemplate in the ConventionManager had some parsed Xaml that was looking for the "Caliburn.Micro" assembly, but I had put the code in with another assembly. Changed the Xaml and the problem went away.


My suspicion is that Caliburn.Micro is somehow looking for a view to represent the Entity in the ListBox

Yes, this is what is going on. By default when you bind a list using a name convention, Caliburn Micro interprets this as you binding to a list of ViewModels; not a list of Entities. This allows you to bind to a list of ViewModels without the need to specify the specific view to use in the ItemTemplate of the ItemsControl and what you end up with is a list of views specific to that ViewModel.

To ensure this doesn t happen, you should be able to just bind manually to the ListBox. If Caliburn Micro sees an ItemsSource binding already, it will ignore the convention.

<ListBox x:Name="Entities" ItemsSource="{Binding Entities}"/>

I m not sure, but you can try putting EntityListScreenView in Views namespace and EntityListScreenViewModel in ViewModels namespace - of course if you user "standard" Bootstrapper class.

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