English 中文(简体)
• 如何使用 j( j)
原标题:How to replace comma (,) with a dot (.) using java
  • 时间:2011-05-18 11:33:31
  •  标签:
  • java
  • string

I am having a String str = 12,12 I want to replace the ,(comma) with .(Dot) for decimal number calculation, Currently i am trying this :

 if( str.indexOf(",") != -1 )




str = str.replaceAll(",","."); // or "\.", it doesn t matter...

Just use replace und replace all (预计:regex):

str = str.replace(",", ".");


str = str.replace( , ,  . );

(replace) 输入:char/code>或CharSequence,该接口由String实施。


str = str.replace( , ,  . )


if(str.indexOf(",")!=-1) { str = str.replaceAll(",","."); }


str = str.replace( , ,  . );

Just use str.replace( , , , ) - it is both air and effective when a one nature is to be amended. 如果 com子确实存在,它就没有。


str.replaceAll(",", ".");

<>strong>in java src, You can Add a new tool such:

public static String remplaceVirguleParpoint(String chaine) {
       return chaine.replaceAll(",", "\.");


String str = " 12,12"
str = str.replaceAll("(\d+)\,(\d+)", "$1.$2");
System.out.println("str:"+str); //-> str:12.12



Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);


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