English 中文(简体)
DOM 基于XSS 攻击和内联网
原标题:DOM Based XSS Attack and InnerHTML


Specifically, is there a protect() function that will make the below safe? If no, then is there another solution? eg: Giving the div an id and then later assigning the element an onclick handler

function protect()
   // For non-DOM XSS attacks, hex-encoding all non-alphanumeric characters
   // with ASCII values less than 256 works (ie: xHH)
   // But is it possible to augment this function to protect against
   // the below DOM based XSS attack?

  <div id="mydiv"></div>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var xss = "<?php echo protect($_GET["xss"]) ?>";
    $("#mydiv").html("<div onclick= myfunc(""+xss+"") ></div>")

I m hoping for an answer that is not "avoid using innerHTML" or "regex the xss variable to [a-zA-Z0-9]"...ie: is there a more general solution?

增 编




我一直在与PHP s DOMDocument和相关班子一道工作,以便撰写能够处理类似问题的超文本帽子。 它是在发展的早期阶段,并非随时可供实际使用的地方,但我早期的实验似乎为这一想法带来了一些希望。

基本上,你把标记装入OMDocument中,然后tra树。 对于树中的每 no子,请对照允许的 no形清单,检查 no的类型。 如果名单上的树脂类型为吨,则从树中去除。

你可以采取类似的做法,把所有欧洲反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象世界会议标记放在一片标记中,并删除。 如果你能够把任何封面文字从你提供的标识中删除,那么设在莫斯科的XSS就变得无能为力。

This is the code I m using, along with a test case that processes the StackOverflow home page. Like I said, it s far from production quality code and is little more than a proof of concept. Still, I hope you find it useful.

class HtmlClean
    private $whiteList      = array (
         #cdata-section ,  #comment ,  #text ,  a ,  abbr ,  acronym ,  address ,  b , 
         big ,  blockquote ,  body ,  br ,  caption ,  cite ,  code ,  col ,  colgroup , 
         dd ,  del ,  dfn ,  div ,  dl ,  dt ,  em ,  fieldset ,  h1 ,  h2 ,  h3 ,  h4 , 
         h5 ,  h6 ,  head ,  hr ,  html ,  i ,  img ,  ins ,  kbd ,  li ,  link ,  meta , 
         ol ,  p ,  pre ,  q ,  samp ,  small ,  span ,  strike ,  strong ,  style ,  sub , 
         sup ,  table ,  tbody ,  td ,  tfoot ,  th ,  thead ,  title ,  tr ,  tt ,  ul , 

    private $attrWhiteList  = array (
         class ,  id ,  title 

    private $dom            = NULL;

     * Get current tag whitelist
     * @return array
    public function getWhiteListTags ()
        $this -> whiteList  = array_values ($this -> whiteList);
        return ($this -> whiteList);

     * Add tag to the whitelist
     * @param string $tagName
    public function addWhiteListTag ($tagName)
        $tagName    = strtolower (trin ($tagName));
        if (!in_array ($tagName, $this -> whiteList))
            $this -> whiteList []   = $tagName;

     * Remove a tag from the whitelist
     * @param string $tagName
    public function removeWhiteListTag ($tagName)
        if ($index = array_search ($tagName, $this -> whiteList))
            unset ($this -> whiteList [$index]);

     * Load document markup into the class for cleaning
     * @param string $html The markup to clean
     * @return bool
    public function loadHTML ($html)
        if (!$this -> dom)
            $this -> dom    = new DOMDocument();
        $this -> dom -> preserveWhiteSpace  = false;
        $this -> dom -> formatOutput        = true;
        return $this -> dom -> loadHTML ($html);

    public function outputHtml ()
        $ret    =   ;
        if ($this -> dom)
            $ret    = $this -> dom -> saveXML ();
        return ($ret);

    private function cleanAttrs (DOMnode $elem)
        $attrs  = $elem -> attributes;
        $index  = $attrs -> length;
        while (--$index >= 0)
            $attrName   = strtolower ($attrs -> item ($indes) -> name);
            if (!in_array ($attrName, $this -> attrWhiteList))
                $elem -> removeAttribute ($attrName);

     * Recursivly remove elements from the DOM that aren t whitelisted
     * @param DOMNode $elem
     * @return array List of elements removed from the DOM
     * @throws Exception If removal of a node failed than an exception is thrown
    private function cleanNodes (DOMNode $elem)
        $removed    = array ();
        if (in_array (strtolower ($elem -> nodeName), $this -> whiteList))
            // Remove non-whitelisted attributes
            if ($elem -> hasAttributes ())
                $this -> cleanAttrs ($elem);
             * Iterate over the element s children. The reason we go backwards is because
             * going forwards will cause indexes to change when elements get removed
            if ($elem -> hasChildNodes ())
                $children   = $elem -> childNodes;
                $index      = $children -> length;
                while (--$index >= 0)
                    $removed = array_merge ($removed, $this -> cleanNodes ($children -> item ($index)));
            // The element is not on the whitelist, so remove it
            if ($elem -> parentNode -> removeChild ($elem))
                $removed [] = $elem;
                throw new Exception ( Failed to remove node from DOM );
        return ($removed);

     * Perform the cleaning of the document
    public function clean ()
        $removed    = $this -> cleanNodes ($this -> dom -> getElementsByTagName ( html ) -> item (0));
        return ($removed);

$test       = file_get_contents( ( http://www.stackoverflow.com/ ));
// Windows-stype linebreaks really foul up the works. There s probably a better fix for this
$test       = str_replace (chr (13),   , $test);

$cleaner    = new HtmlClean ();
$cleaner -> loadHTML ($test);

echo ( <h1>Before</h1><pre>  . htmlspecialchars ($cleaner -> outputHtml ()) .  </pre> );

$start      = microtime (true);
$removed    = $cleaner -> clean ();
$cleanTime  = microtime (true) - $start;

echo ( <h1>Removed tag list</h1> );
foreach ($removed as $elem)
    var_dump ($elem -> nodeName);

echo ( <h1>After</h1><pre>  . htmlspecialchars ($cleaner -> outputHtml ()) .  </pre> );

// benchmark
var_dump ($cleanTime);

I m 没有PHP专家,但如果你想要防止XSS对目前格式提出的代码样本的攻击,并作最低改动,你可使用。 PHP edition of OWASPPI ESA. 具体来说,使用)为保护<代码>xs变量的内容,如在 Java文中所示。

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