English 中文(简体)
原标题:htaccess file rules


RewriteRule ^art_(.*).htm$ art_item.php?id=$1

与此类似:art_1.html => art_item.php?id=1

现在,我想补充一下以下几个方面:art_1/5.html => art_item.php?id=1&id2=5

RewriteRule ^art_(.*)/(.*).htm$ art_item.php?id=$1&id=$2

我试图这样做,但服务器投下了404个错误。 什么错误?



wrong order:

RewriteRule ^art_(.*).html$ art_item.php?id=$1
RewriteRule ^art_(.*)/(.*).html$ art_item.php?id=$1&id2=$2


RewriteRule ^art_(.*)/(.*).html$ art_item.php?id=$1&id2=$2
RewriteRule ^art_(.*).html$ art_item.php?id=$1

This is because (.*) also matches (.*)/(.*), since the / is any character matched by ..

Second: there is a difference between .htm and .html, so either be careful or just use .html?, which matches both.


The following should cover it assuming id is numeric (it s best to be as exact as possible):

RewriteRule ^art_(d+).htm$ art_item.php?id=$1
RewriteRule ^art_(d+)/(d+).htm$ art_item.php?id=$1&id2=$2


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