English 中文(简体)
为什么一些可声明的解决 具有约束力的回报无效,但其他权利则不在此限。
原标题:Why some VariableDeclaration resolveBinding returns null but others does not

我正在开发一种ec滴式pl滴,以分析 j源代码。 我verse倒整个AST树,并写一名访问者,访问每个变数的宣言,我注意到一些变数,“解除约束性”回报是可加固的事例,但其他情况并非如此。 我不能区分他们。 BTW:我设立了STParser.setKind(K_COMPILATION_UNIT)并设立了ResolveBelles(true)。 我的法典如下:

public boolean visit(VariableDeclarationStatement vStatement) {
    Type theType = vStatement.getType();
    for(Iterator iterator = vStatement.fragments().iterator();iterator.hasNext();){
        VariableDeclarationFragment fragment = (VariableDeclarationFragment)iterator.next();
        IVariableBinding binding = fragment.resolveBinding();           
        if(binding !=null){
            ITypeBinding tBinding =  binding.getType();
            if(tBinding !=null){
                // if there is ArrayType, get the root type
                    tBinding = tBinding.getComponentType();
                System.out.println("USING BINDING VARIABLE CLASS IS: " + tBinding.getQualifiedName());  






Variable declaration fragment AST node type, used in field declarations, local variable declarations, and ForStatement initializers. It contrast to SingleVariableDeclaration, fragments are missing the modifiers and the type; these are located in the fragment s parent node.

从<代码>获得约束的类型 缩略语

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