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原标题:How can I update a existing war file with additional files using Maven?

我愿向Maven的公开来源战争档案提供一些额外的类别档案和杰尔档案。 我还需要用我自己取代一个配置文件。

The simplest way I see to do this is copy over the Java source files and configuration files from the base war file and check them into my source repository. This would work, but it requires that I duplicate both source and configuration files. Thus, what I would like to do is build the base war file, check in only that war file, then run a maven build which adds my class files, extra jar files, and replaces one configuration file in the base war. The output of the Maven build would be one war file.


这样,基卷就来自支离破碎的支离破碎的支流。 我认为,这个问题的答案并不取决于特定的战争档案。


页: 1 它意在为现有的追回被盗资产举措增加档案。



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