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在Razak ASP使用“@helpers from another View”。 Net MVC3
原标题:Using @helpers from another View in Razor ASP.Net MVC3

I want to write a few simple @helpers to use in several views. I want them to be inside a Razor .cshtml file (not in a c# class) to have the HTML syntax highlighted.

我可以很容易地查阅同文中书写的@helpers。 我认为,我可以将其分为<代码>Helpers.cshtml,如果我把这一条码放在“Helpers.cshtml@Helpers.MyHelper()从中获取。 但是,我只希望能用几页时间查阅这些文件。



Sorry, but that s not possible with helpers Deposit in the App_Code/code> rafter as .cshtml file. 这些意见将在所有意见中分享。



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