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原标题:SQL: Order of output

I was checking the docs of postgresql for Recursive queries where I got an example.

    VALUES (1)
    SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100
SELECT sum(n) FROM t

以上说明与100份选举考试委员会声明相同。 参考:

<代码> 风险查询通常用于处理等级或树木结构化数据。

If I want to sort the hierarchical structure based on some criteria will it be advisable to recursive query. eg. SQL Query: Fetch ordered rows from a table - II and the accepted answer. Should the data be retrieved from the DB and then sorted in memory. Or RECURSIVE query will be more effcient !!


答案取决于您的图表设计、硬件/OS、配置和装满的数据数量。 以解释和解释分析方法,并在几个典型查询中找到最快的方法。





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