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Eclipse RSE or Aptana upload to sub-directory
原标题:Eclipse RSE or Aptana uploads going to sub-directory

当我使用Eclipse 遥感系统探测器或Aptana plugin上载档案时,这些档案被放在我预定的上载文件夹的子里。 次级标题是根据我的项目名称命名的。 我如何把文件上载到文件夹上,我是否打算把文件上载到次要位置? 感谢你的智慧!


I could not speak of RSE, but in Aptana Studio everything depends on how did you setup a connection between FTP and local project. Basically, if your ftp://xyz/myproject is connected to myproject in workspace, all files will go where intended to without sub-folders. See http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/tis/FTP%2C+SFTP%2C+and+FTPS+Deployment for more information.

Regards, Max



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