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简而言之,DOM D. 寻找班级的问题
原标题:Simple_DOM question about finding classes



<div class="thread" style="margin-bottom:25px;"> 

<div class="message"> 

<span class="profile">Suzy Creamcheese</span> 

<span class="time">December 22, 2010 at 11:10 pm</span> 

<div class="msgbody"> 

<div class="subject">New digs</div> 

Hello thank you for trying our soap. <BR>  Jim.


<div class="message reply"> 

<span class="profile">Lars Jörgenmeier</span> 

<span class="time">December 22, 2010 at 11:45 pm</span> 

<div class="msgbody"> 

I never sold you any soap.




而且,我试图从“人”中提取外文,但只有在“人”与东西相等时。 类似情况。

$contents  = $html->find( .msgbody );
$elements = $html->find( .profile ); 

           $length = sizeof($contents);

           while($x != sizeof($elements)) {

            $var = $elements[$x]->outertext;

                        //If profile = the right name
            if ($var = $name) {

                                    $text = $contents[$x]->outertext;
                echo $text;



I get text from the wrong profiles, not the ones with the associations I need. Is there a way to just pull the desired info with one line of code?

Like if span-profile = "correct name" then pull its div-msgbody


Okay I m 前往DOMXpath。 我不敢确定什么东西应该意味着什么,但我不赞同这一要求:

Like if span-profile = "correct name" then pull its div-msgbody

首先, 此处使用的是:

<div class="thread" style="margin-bottom:25px;"> 

<div class="message"> 

<span class="profile">Suzy Creamcheese</span> 

<span class="time">December 22, 2010 at 11:10 pm</span> 

<div class="msgbody"> 

<div class="subject">New digs</div> 

Hello thank you for trying our soap. <BR>  Jim.


<div class="message reply"> 

<span class="profile">Lars Jörgenmeier</span> 

<span class="time">December 22, 2010 at 11:45 pm</span> 

<div class="msgbody"> 

I never sold you any soap.




因此,我们对此提出警告。 让我表明整个情况,然后打破:

$messages = $xpath->query("//span[@class= profile  and contains(., $profile_name )]/../div[@class= msgbody ]");




页: 1

宽度 where the class is profile

//span[@class= profile and contains(., $profile_name )]

宽度 where the class is profile and the inside of the span contains $profile_name, which is the name you re after

//span[@class= profile and contains(., $profile_name )]/../

宽度 where the class is profile and the inside of the span contains $profile_name, which is the name you re after now go up a level, which gets us to <div class="message">

//span[@class= profile and contains(., $profile_name )]/../div[@class= msgbody ]

宽度 where the class is profile and the inside of the span contains $profile_name, which is the name you re after now go up a level, which gets us to <div class="message"> and finally, give me all divs under <div class="message"> where the class is msgbody


$doc = new DOMDocument();

$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
$profile_name =  Lars Jörgenmeier ;
$messages = $xpath->query("//span[@class= profile  and contains(., $profile_name )]/../div[@class= msgbody ]");
foreach ($messages as $message) {
  echo trim("{$message->nodeValue}") . "

营养餐像这样强大。 我建议查看basic tutorial ,然后请查看。 XPath standard 如果你希望看到更先进的使用。



I changed your example html so there would be more than one profile for Suzy Creamcheese as follows: (file: test_class_class.htm)

 <div class="message"> 
   <span class="profile">Suzy Creamcheese</span> 
   <span class="time">December 22, 2010 at 11:10 pm</span> 
   <div class="msgbody"> 
     <div class="subject">New digs</div> 
       Hello thank you for trying our soap. <BR>  Jim.

   <div class="message reply"> 
     <span class="profile">Lars Jörgenmeier</span> 
     <span class="time">December 22, 2010 at 11:45 pm</span> 
     <div class="msgbody"> 
       I never sold you any soap.

 <div class="message"> 
   <span class="profile">Suzy Yogurt</span> 
   <span class="time">December 22, 2010 at 11:10 pm</span> 
   <div class="msgbody"> 
     <div class="subject">No Creamcheese</div> 
       This is not Suzy Creamcheese <BR>  Jim.

   <div class="message reply"> 
     <span class="profile">Suzy Creamcheese</span> 
     <span class="time">December 22, 2010 at 11:45 pm</span> 
     <div class="msgbody"> 
       A reply from Suzy Creamcheese.


Here is my test using Simple HTML DOM: include( simple_html_dom.php );

function getMessage_for_profile($iUrl,$iProfile)
    // create HTML DOM
    $html = file_get_html($iUrl);

    // get text elements
    $aoProfile = $html->find( span[class=profile] ); 
    echo "Found ".count($aoProfile)." profiles.<br />";

    foreach ($aoProfile as $key=>$oProfile)
      if ($oProfile->plaintext == $iProfile)
        echo "<b>Profile ".$key.": ".$oProfile->plaintext."</b><br />";
// Using $e->next_sibling ()
        $oCurrent = $oProfile;
        while ($oNext = $oCurrent->next_sibling())
           if ( $oNext->class == "msgbody" )
             echo "<hr />";
             echo $oNext->outertext;
             echo "<hr />";
           $oCurrent = $oNext;

    // clean up memory

// --------------------------------------------
// test it!
// user_agent header...
ini_set( user_agent ,  My-Application/2.5 );

getMessage_for_profile( test_class_class.htm , Suzy Creamcheese );
echo "<br /><br /><br />";
getMessage_for_profile( test_class_class.htm , Suzy Yogurt );


Found 4 profiles.
Profile 0: Suzy Creamcheese
New digs
Hello thank you for trying our soap.
Profile 3: Suzy Creamcheese
A reply from Suzy Creamcheese.

Found 4 profiles.
Profile 2: Suzy Yogurt
No Creamcheese
This is not Suzy Creamcheese

可以通过简单的超文本处理,因为我已经知道OMM如何工作......或足以制造麻烦......。 我无需学习任何知道的同yn!

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