English 中文(简体)
原标题:jquery bind event
  • 时间:2011-05-26 16:08:58
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • bind

I am programming a panel using jquery, you can see it here: http://www.taoktalk.com/socialapps/baidu/taozhe/ My logics are:

  1. When i click each of the buttonset, the defaut value of the input element changed;
  2. Each time when focus in the input element, the value was cleared;
  3. If blur out without type anything, the default value was reset back, but if typed some words, the words is the value.

Method inputWithDefValue implements the logic 2 and 3. But logic 1, when i click the button set, the evnet focus and blur was bind incrementally, so the defVal variable was not correct. How to fix this, thanks.



$(function() {
    $( "#tabs" ).tabs();

    var selectedTab =   
    $( "#tabs" ).bind( "tabsselect", function(event, ui) {
        //selectedTab = ui.panel.id;
    $( "#goods" ).buttonset();
    $( "#shop" ).buttonset();

    var defaultInputVal =   ;
    $( input[type=radio] ).bind( click , function(){
            switch (this.id){
                case  goods-url :
                    defaultInputVal =  输入宝贝网址 ;
                case  goods-name :
                    defaultInputVal =  输入宝贝名称 ;
                case  goods-id :
                    defaultInputVal =  输入宝贝编号 ;
                case  shop-url :
                    defaultInputVal =  输入店铺网址 ;
                case  shop-nick :
                    defaultInputVal =  输入店铺名称 ;
            $( input.input-search ).val(defaultInputVal);  //set default value of input.input-search element
            $( input.input-search ).inputWithDefValue(defaultInputVal);  //excute inputWithDefValue method every time after click

    //excute inputWithDefValue method without click buttonset
    $( input#input-goods ).inputWithDefValue( 输入宝贝网址 );
    $( input#input-shop ).inputWithDefValue( 输入店铺网址 );

    inputWithDefValue: function(defVal){
        this.bind( focus , function(){
            alert(defVal);   //for debug purpose 
            if ($(this).val() == defVal) {
                $(this).val(  ).css({
                     color :  black 

        this.bind( blur , function(){
            if ($(this).val() ==   ) {
                     color :  #969696 




$( input[type=radio] ).on( click , function() { ... });
$( input.input-search ).on( focus , function() { ... });
$( input.input-search ).on( blur , function() { ... });


var defaultInputVal = {
  goods-url  :  输入宝贝网址 ,
  goods-name :  输入宝贝名称 ,

Based on the id of any input field, you can easily get the default value for the given field. The above mentioned three function should run along the lines:

$( input[type=radio] ).on( click , function() { 
  $( input.input-search ).val(defaultInputVal[$(this).attr( id )]);

$( input.input-search ).on( focus , function() {
  var selected_radio_id = $( input[type=radio]:checked ).attr( id );
  if ($(this).val() == defaultInputVal[selected_radio_id]) {
    $(this).val(  ).css({
       color :  black 
}).on( blur , function() {
  var selected_radio_id = $( input[type=radio]:checked ).attr( id );
  if ($(this).val() ==   ) {
       color :  #969696 



    setAsDefault: function(defValue, undefined) {
        this.each(function() {
            var valueToUse = (defValue === undefined) ? this.value : defValue;
            this.defaultValue = valueToUse;
            this.value = valueToUse;
    revertToDefault: function(optionalValue) {
        return this.bind( focus , function() {
            if (this.value == this.defaultValue) {
                $(this).val(  ).css({
                     color :  black 
        }).bind( blur , function() {
            if (this.value ==   ) {
                     color :  #969696 



$( input.input-search ).revertToDefault( 输入宝贝网址 );


$( input.input-search ).setAsDefault(defaultInputVal);


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