English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do I determine the size of an arbitrary number of equal squares to be fit into an fixed size 2D space?
  • 时间:2011-05-28 20:37:49
  •  标签:
  • algorithm






aspectRatio = RationalNumber(width/height).lowestTerms  #must be rational number

# it must be the case that our return values
# numHorizontalSqaures/numVerticalSquares = aspectRatio

return {
    numHorizontalSquares = aspectRatio.numerator,
    numVerticalSquares = aspectRatio.denominator,
    squareLength = width/aspectRatio.numerator




from fractions import Fraction
def largestSquareTiling(width, height, maxVerticalSquares=10**6):
        Returns the minimum number (corresponding to largest size) of square
        which will perfectly tile a widthxheight rectangle.

        Return format:
            (numHorizontalTiles, numVerticalTiles), tileLength
    if isinstance(width,int) and isinstance(height,int):
        aspectRatio = Fraction(width, height)
        aspectRatio = Fraction.from_float(width/height)

    aspectRatio2 = aspectRatio.limit_denominator(max_denominator=maxVerticalSquares)
    if aspectRatio != aspectRatio2:
        raise Exception( too many squares ) #optional
    aspectRatio = aspectRatio2

    squareLength = width/aspectRatio.numerator
    return (aspectRatio.numerator, aspectRatio.denominator), squareLength


>>> largestSquareTiling(2.25, 11.75)
((9, 47), 0.25)

You can tune the optional parameter maxVerticalSquares to give yourself more robustness versus floating-point imprecision (but the downside is the operation may fail), or to avoid a larger number of vertical squares (例如。 if this is architecture code and you are tiling a floor); depending on the range of numbers you are working with, a default value of maxVerticalSquares=500 might be reasonable or something (possibly not even including the exception code).


# inputs    
desiredTileSizeRange = (0.9, 0.13)
(minHTiles, minVTiles), maxTileSize = largestSquareTiling(2.25, 11.75)

# calculate integral shrinkFactor
shrinkFactorMin = maxTileSize/desiredTileSizeRange[0]
shrinkFactorMax = maxTileSize/desiredTileSizeRange[1]
shrinkFactor = int(scaleFactorMax)
if shrinkFactor<shrinkFactorMin:
    raise Exception( desired tile size range too restrictive; no tiling found )






// width = width of area to fill
// height = height of area to fill
// sqareCount = number of sqares to fill the area with
function CalcSquareSide(float width, float height, int squareCount)
  return Math.Sqrt((height * width) / squareCount);

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