English 中文(简体)
原标题:Need help debugging greasemonkey script




我目前正在尝试获取一个脚本来处理网站上的一些拍卖Trada.net在Brock Adams的大力帮助下,我们已经完成了一半以上,但我仍然在JS脚本上努力……如果你认为我15多年前就习惯了turbo pascal,那将是一种新的体验。:)


 // ==UserScript==
// @name           bid up to test3
// @include         http://www.trada.net/*
// @require         http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

//--- Create a cell for transmitting the date from page scope to GM scope.
$( body ). prepend ( <div id="LatestJSON_Data"></div> );

var J_DataCell          = $( #LatestJSON_Data );

//--- Eavesdrop on the page s AJAX calls and paste the data into our special div.
unsafeWindow.$( body ).ajaxSuccess (
    function (event, requestData)
        J_DataCell.text (requestData.responseText);

// **bid function and var s
// **var interval            = 50;
// **var bidClickTimer       = setInterval (function() {BidClick (); }, interval);
// **var numBidClicks        = 0;
// **var A1reset_go          = false;

// **function BidClick1 ()
// **{var //bidBtn1=document.getElementById("ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_AirtimeAuctionItem1_btn_BidButton");

//**    numBidClicks++;
//**    if (numBidClicks > 10)
//**    {   Alert("check10");
//**        clearInterval (bidClickTimer);
//**        bidClickTimer   = "";
//**    }
//**    else
//**    {   Alert("check11");
//**        bidBtn1.click (1);

//**    }

//**end bid function

//--- Listen for changes to the special div and parse the data.
J_DataCell.bind ( DOMSubtreeModified , ParseJSON_Data);

function ParseJSON_Data ()

//**my var
//**var auction_type ;A1_upto;A1_start;A1_current;A1_reset;
//**end my var

    //--- Get the latest data from the special cell and parse it.
    var myJson              = J_DataCell.text ();
    var jsonObj             = $.parseJSON (myJson);

    //--- The JSON should return a 2-D array, named "d".
    var BidDataArray        = jsonObj.d;

    //--- Loop over each row in the array.
    $.each (
        function (rowIndex, rowValue) {

            //--- Print the 7th column.
            console.log ( Row:   + (parseInt (rowIndex) + 1) +   Column: 7  Value:   + rowValue[6]);

//** my part
//**   Alert("check1");
//**  auction_type=parseInt (rowValue[4]);
//**   if (auction_type== 1)
//**     {Alert("check2");
//**      A1_upto=parseInt (rowValue[12]);
//**       Alert("check3");
//**      A1_current=parseInt (rowValue[8]);
//**       Alert("check4");
//**      A1_reset=rowValue[16];
//**       if (A1_reset != "null")
//**         {Alert("check5");
//**          A1reset_go= true ;
//**          };
//**       if (A1_reset == "null") and (A1reset_go== true )
//**         {Alert("check6");
//**          A1reset_go=false;
//**          Alert("check7"); 
//**          A1_start=rowValue[8];
//**          };
//**        if  ((A1_current - A1_start) <= (A1_upto - 10))
//**          {Alert("check8");
//**           BidClick1 ();
//**           };
//**      };

//** end my part


//--- Format our special cell with CSS.  Add "visibility: hidden;" or "display: none;", if desired.
GM_addStyle ( (<><![CDATA[
        background:         gold;
        border:             3px ridge #0000DD;
        font-size:          10px;
        margin:             0 2em;
        padding:            1ex 1em;
        width:              94%;
        opacity:            0.8;
        overflow:           hidden;
        z-index:            666;
        position:           absolute;
        color:              black;
]]></>).toString () );





  1. Check which auction it is,
  2. Find out if it is the first bid for auction,
  3. Get the bid up to amount,
  4. Do calculations to start clicking the last 10 clicks of the auction.
  5. Reset the starting amount.







// ==UserScript==
// @name            let s try 3.42
// @include         http://www.trada.net/*
// @require         http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
var auctiontyp = 0;var aupto = 0;var A1_start  = 0;var A1_current = 0;var A1_rest=  x ;
// **bid function and var s
var interval            = 50;
var bidClickTimer       = setInterval (function() {BidClick1 (); }, interval);
var numBidClicks        = 0;
var A1reset_go          = false;

function BidClick1 ()

{var bidBtn1=document.getElementById("ctl00_mainContentPlaceholder_AirtimeAuctionItem1_btn_BidButton");

    if (numBidClicks > 3)
    {   alert("check10");
       clearInterval (bidClickTimer);
        bidClickTimer   = "";
    {   alert( check11 );
        //bidBtn1.click (1);


// end bid function

var myJson              =  {"d":[["","","y","ZAR","1","49517","6458, 8270, 8270, 8270, 7635",null,"1.40","6458","0:13:30","","12","","C","30",null],["y","-00:00","y","ZAR","2","49593","6458, 6458, 6458, 6458, 6458",null,"2.92","6458","0:13:37","","12","","L","12","Ve4mYdrvkkQMKxBH1/1VMtDTCDQBRspg5jB8jjY08zg="],["","","y","ZAR","3","49058","7456, 9216, 6458, 5153, 7456",null,"194.40","7456","0:00:31","","1100","","T",null,null],["","","y","ZAR","4","49597","2935, 6554",null,"1.22","2935","0:01:16","","12","","T",null,null],["","","y","ZAR","5","49590","4440, 0518, 5343, 2625, 4848",null,"0.95","4440","0:15:58","","5","","L",null,null],["","","y","ZAR","6","49591","4848, 4440, 4440, 0518, 2625",null,"1.81","4848","0:16:05","","12","","L",null,null],["","","y","ZAR","7","49595","6458",null,"5.55","6458","0:04:13","","55","","T",null,null],["","","y","ZAR","8","49596","",null,"2.90","NONE","0:04:35","","29","","T",null,null],["","","y","ZAR","9","49496","6458, 2427, 2427, 7863, 5845",null,"2.56","6458","0:06:07","","10","","B",null,null],["","","y","ZAR","10","49524","6458, 2427, 7863, 7863, 5845",null,"1.67","6458","0:06:00","","5","","B",null,null],["","","y","ZAR","11","49539","6458, 2427, 7863, 7863, 0764",null,"2.02","6458","0:04:25","","10","","B",null,null]]} 
var jsonObj             = $.parseJSON (myJson);

//--- The JSON should return a 2-D array, named "d".
var arrayOfAuctions     = jsonObj.d;

//--- Loop over each row in the array.
$.each (
    function (rowIndex, singleAuctionData) {

        //--- Print the 7th column.
        console.log ( Row:   + (parseInt (rowIndex) + 1) +   Column: 7  Value:   + singleAuctionData[6]);
alert( test3.41 );
auctiontyp=parseInt (singleAuctionData[4]);
   if (auctiontyp== 1)

   aupto=parseInt (singleAuctionData[15]);alert( check2.6 );
       alert( check3  +(singleAuctionData[8]));
      A1_current=parseFloat (singleAuctionData[8]);
      alert( check4  +(singleAuctionData[16]));
       if (A1_rest !=  null )
         {alert( check5 );
       alert( check5.1 );
       if (A1_rest ==  null ) and (A1reset_go==true)
         {alert( check6 );
          alert( check7 ); 
          alert( check7.3 );
         alert((A1_current) );
         alert(( A1_start));
         alert((aupto) );
        if  (((A1_current - A1_start)*100) < (aupto - 10))
          {alert( check8 );
           //BidClick1 ();



1.The "BidClick1" function runs in the beginning of the script without being called, i only call it close to the end, but then it is not running.. 2.This part:

           if (A1_rest !=  null )
             {alert( check5 );
           alert( check5.1 );
           if (A1_rest ==  null ) and (A1reset_go==true)
             {alert( check6 );
              alert( check7 ); 


if (A1_rest !=  null )
                 {alert( check5 );

and also, it doesnt execute this statement : "

 if (A1_rest ==  null ) and (A1reset_go==true)
                 {alert( check6 );

正确地说,它应该只在A1_rest=“null”AND A1_reset_go为true时执行。无论哪一个是true,它都会执行,如果我把它设置为:if((A1_rest==null)和(A1reset_go==true)),它根本不会运行脚本。

If any1 got an complete answer, i will mark it as such. Thanks. alert( check7 ); A1_start=singleAuctionData[8]; };" executes always

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