English 中文(简体)
原标题:Concatenate specific attribute of all elements together with xquery



InvoiceId   Details
---------   -----------------------------------------------------------------
1001        <Stuff Id="101" p="3" q="5"/><Stuff Id="102" q="4"/><Stuff Id="103"/>
1002        <Stuff Id="201" /><Stuff Id="202" q="2"/>


InvoiceId  IdDetails
---------   ---------------------
1001        101,102,103
1002        201,202
declare @T table(InvoiceId int, Details xml)
insert into @T
select 1001,  <Stuff Id="101" p="3" q="5"/><Stuff Id="102" q="4"/><Stuff Id="103"/>  union all
select 1002,  <Stuff Id="201"/><Stuff Id="202" q="2"/> 

select InvoiceId,
       stuff((select  , +t.n.value( @Id ,  varchar(10) )
              from Details.nodes( Stuff ) as t(n) 
              for xml path(  )), 1, 1,   ) as IdDetails  
from @T


select InvoiceId,
       stuff((select  , +s.id
              from Details.nodes( Stuff ) as t(n)
                cross apply (select t.n.value( @Id ,  varchar(10) )) as s(id) 
              group by s.id
              for xml path(  )), 1, 1,   ) as IdDetails  
from @T


            CAST(Details AS nvarchar(max))
                 ,  <Stuff Id=" ,  , )
               ,  "/> ,   )
             ,2, 2000000000)

也许更好的方法是在xml处理中使用查询函数,而不是使用subselect之类的函数。在Mikael Eriksson回答的基础上,我从这个问题更快速、更简洁/易读:

declare @T table(InvoiceId int, Details xml)
insert into @T
select 1001,  <Stuff Id="101" p="3" q="5"/><Stuff Id="102" q="4"/><Stuff Id="103"/>  union all
select 1002,  <Stuff Id="201"/><Stuff Id="202" q="2"/> 

select InvoiceId, 
    t.n.query( for $i in Stuff return concat($i/@Id, ",") ).value( . ,  nvarchar(max) )
from @T
    cross apply Details.nodes( . ) as t(n)


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