English 中文(简体)
原标题:Python requiring an attribute be converted to a string
from sys import exit
from random import randint

class Map(object):

 def death(): 
    print quips[randint (0, len(quips)-1)]

 def princess_lives_here():
    print "You see a beautiful Princess with a shiny crown."
    print "She offers you some cake."

    eat_it = raw_input(">")

    if eat_it == "eat it":
        print "You explode like a pinata full of frogs."
        print "The Princess cackles and eats the frogs. Yum!"
        return  death 

    elif eat_it == "do not eat it":
        print "She throws the cake at you and it cuts off your head."
        print "The last thing you see is her munching on your face. Yum!"
        return  death 

    elif eat_it == "make her eat it":
        print "The Princess screams as you cram the cake in her mouth."
        print "Then she smiles and cries and thank you for saving her."
        print "She points to a tiny door and says,  The Koi needs cake too. "
        print "She gives you the very last bit of cake and shoves you in."
        return  gold_koi_pond 

        print "The Princess looks at you confused and just points at the cake."
        return  princess_lives_here 

class Engine(object):

 def __init__(self, start, quips):
    self.quips = [
        "You died. You suck at this.",
        "Your mom would be proud, if she were smarter",
        "Such a luser.",
        "I have a small puppy that s better at this."
    self.start = start

 def play(self):
    next = self.start

    while True:
        print "
        room = getattr(self, next)
        next = room()

m = Map()
e = Engine(m, "princess_lives_here")



    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ec42.py", line 162, in <module>
  File "ec42.py", line 156, in play
    room = getattr(self, next)
TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string




class Map(object):

 def __init__(self):

    self.quips = [
        "You died. You suck at this.",
        "Your mom would be proud, if she were smarter",
        "Such a luser.",
        "I have a small puppy that s better at this."

 def death(self): 
    print self.quips[randint (0, len(self.quips)-1)]

 def princess_lives_here(self):
    print "You see a beautiful Princess with a shiny crown."
    print "She offers you some cake."

    eat_it = raw_input(">")

    if eat_it == "eat it":
        print "You explode like a pinata full of frogs."
        print "The Princess cackles and eats the frogs. Yum!"
        return  death 

    elif eat_it == "do not eat it":
        print "She throws the cake at you and it cuts off your head."
        print "The last thing you see is her munching on your face. Yum!"
        return  death 

    elif eat_it == "make her eat it":
        print "The Princess screams as you cram the cake in her mouth."
        print "Then she smiles and cries and thank you for saving her."
        print "She points to a tiny door and says,  The Koi needs cake too. "
        print "She gives you the very last bit of cake and shoves you in."
        return  gold_koi_pond 

        print "The Princess looks at you confused and just points at the cake."
        return  princess_lives_here 

class Engine(object):

 def __init__(self, map, start):
    self.quips = [
        "You died. You suck at this.",
        "Your mom would be proud, if she were smarter",
        "Such a luser.",
        "I have a small puppy that s better at this."
    self.map = map
    self.start = start

 def play(self):
    next = self.start

    while True:
        print "
        room = getattr(self.map, next)
    next = room()
def __init__(self, start, quips):


e = Engine(m, "princess_lives_here")



room = getattr(self,  next )

From the python docs: getattr(object, name[, default])





room = getattr(self, next)


room = getattr(self,  next )




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