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春代。 习俗 BeanPostProcesor proxy
原标题:Spring proxy under the hood. Custom BeanPostProcessor proxying

想写习俗时,BeanPostProcessori发现许多导师,他们表现出简单的方式,从我的肩上制造代理物体,然后由另一个BeanPostProcessors处理。 我很想知道,这种做法是否打破了购买力平价的进一步链条,因为下一个购买力平价不会看到元数据? 是否有一些额外的骗子来避免这些辅导中所显示的破碎链? 另外,在创建“交易”、“Async等”时如何处理这类案件?


If you put a breakpoint in DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry::getSingleton, you will be able to introspect this.beanPostProcessors and see the processors and their order. Transaction postprocessors are APO, so they will use CGLib to extended you original bean, for transactions you can put a breakpoint in AbstractBeanFactoryAwareAdvisingPostProcessor::prepareProxyFactory to see which beans are wrapped for @Trancational.

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