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原标题:Which javascript library should I use?
  • 时间:2011-06-01 08:21:02
  •  标签:
  • javascript


我目前正在制作一张地图,最终需要在网站上运行。我正在Adobe Illustrator中处理这个文件,我有几个图层可以绘制地图。我需要的是一个直观、图形美观的应用程序,用户可以在谷歌地图上平移和缩放地图。我需要的另一个关键功能是能够隐藏/显示图层,并能够单击其中一个图层上的一些突出显示点来显示其他信息。我曾经尝试过直接在SVG中创建层切换,但我真的需要在一个单独的侧边栏上使用它们,这样当用户最终平移和放大地图时,它们就会保持静止。

So far in to my research I ve come to the conclusion that OpenLayers and Google Maps API are not for me as the map is relatively small and I don t need to tie it in to a larger map. Instead I think it s best to treat it as a biggish floating vector image. I ve also played around creating layer toggles straight in to an SVG but I really need them on a separate sidebar so they stay static when the user is eventually panning and zooming in to the map. I tried working with Raphaël and while I especially like the graphical side of it, I m struggling to work my Illustrator file in to it and the zooming/panning script I found isn t really working for me either.


Thank you! -Ilkka


Raphael JS is a very good Javascript vector-handling library, you may find it useful. By the way, this question has a link to a tutorial on it.




You should try Raphael by all means, perhabs in conjunction with jquery. Using dojo sounds a bit like an overkill.

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