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how can i use javafx 2.0 palette in netbeans?

i install javafx2.0 plugin on netbeans 7.0 but i can t see the palette. if netbeans 7 has palette for javafx 2.0 similar to javafx 1.x?


No, it doesn t have any pallets just project type support and code completion and the samples.

From my usage of it so far


The visual tool is JavaFX Composer. NetBeans IDE 7.0 does not have it yet.

So says a note in this NetBeans link


The visual layout tool for JavaFX applications. Note: JavaFX support is currently not available in NetBeans IDE 7.0.

Support for a JavaFX palette in NetBeans is scheduled for addition NetBeans 7.2, according to the referring issue tracker - "code snippets in Palette for common FX idioms like binding, master-detail data form, etc.".

Furthermore, the NetBeans 7.2 JavaFX2 plan is also scheduled to include interconnection with the JavaFX SceneBuilder - "a standalone visual GUI designer for FXML files".

NetBeans 7.2 is under currently under development. A Beta is due on the 19th of April 2012 and final release is TBD, but the NetBeans roadmap would place it around mid-year.

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