English 中文(简体)
原标题:Taking details from a map and saving it into another?


map<string, pair< pair<int, int>, string> >


map<string, string>

? I mean is there another way other than something like this??

    map<string, pair< pair<int, int>, string> >  info;
    map<string, pair< pair<int, int>, string> >::iterator i;
    map<string, string> something;

    for(i=info.begin(); i!=info.end(); ++i)
        something[*i).first] = ((*i).second).second;


struct Mapped
    int someSignificantName;
    int anotherName;
    std::string yetAnother;

There are almost no cases where std::pair is an acceptable solution (except for quick hacks and tests). Given that, you define a mapping functional object:

struct Remap
    : std::unary_operator<std::pair<std::string, Mapped>,
                          std::pair<std::string, std::string> >
    std::pair<std::string, std::string> operator()(
            std::pair<std::string, Mapped> const& in ) const
        return std::make_pair( in.first, in.second.yetAnother );


std::transform( in.begin(), in.end(),
                std::inserter( out, out.end() ),
                Remap() );
map<string, pair< pair<int, int>, string> > map1 /* = ... */;
map<string, string> map2;

BOOST_FOREACH (const pair<string, pair< pair<int, int>, string> > >& it, map1) {
   map2[it.first] = it.second.second;



typedef pair<pair<int, int>, string> strange_pair_t;
typedef map<string, strange_pair_t> strange_type_t;
strange_type_t src_map;

map<string, string> dst_map;
for(strange_type_t::const_iterator it = src_map.begin(); it!=src_map.end(); ++it)
  dst_map.insert( make_pair( it->first, it->second.second ) );


std::transform( src_map.begin(), src_map.end(), inserter(dst_map, dst_map.end()), 
        boost::lambda::bind( &strange_type_t::value_type::first, boost::lambda::_1 ), 
        boost::lambda::bind( &strange_pair_t::second, boost::lambda::bind( &strange_type_t::value_type::second, boost::lambda::_1 ) )


for_each( src_map.begin(), src_map.end(), [&dst_map](const strange_type_t::value_type& value) {
    dst_map.insert( make_pair( value.first, value.second.second ) ); } );

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