English 中文(简体)
原标题:English characters don t show up when entering text with Urdu fonts in Swing

This is similar to my own previous question, but that solution didn t work here. As mentioned in the previous question, I m working on a cross platform(Windows/Ubuntu) application that has to transliterate English into one of several official Indian languages. The application has a custom input method, and typing in English and pressing space will transliterate the typed text into the specific local language. Urdu is different from the others in being right to left, like Arabic/Hebrew. I managed to find an open licensed Urdu font that has both English and Urdu glyphs, but when I type characters in English, nothing shows up.



  • Change font to one of Windows built in Arabic fonts - same result.
  • Instead of using ComponentOrientation to align text in the text field, I used setHorizontalAlignment for when the locale is Urdu. Same result.
  • Decompiled the JDK s default input method provider on Windows (sun.awt.windows.WInputMethod). Here I see the dispatchEvent() makes a native call to the OS for handling IME. I can t do that here.
  • Found a custom IM for Hebrew - my version of dispatchEvent() is essentially the same.
  • Stepped through code for JTextField in Eclipse - wasn t able to find anything in the AbstractDocument and subclasses. The AbstractDocument.insertUpdate() method checks for and updates bidirectional text input, but there wasn t anything else significant.








spinner.setLocale(new Locale("hi", "IN"));

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