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原标题:Proc_Open in PHP and Pipes

This is a source code to control a minecraft server over a web interface with a MySQL server. Everything works fine except of line 29, which doesn t seem to be executed. there simply doesn t appear anything in the servers cin. Also there doesn t happen anything... Does anyone have an idea, for why this is so?

    echo("Successfully Loaded.
    $descriptorspec = array(
    0 => array("pipe", "r"),
    1 => array("pipe", "w"),
    2 => array("file", "../log/server.log", "a"));
    $cwd =   ;
    $outpt = "../log/server.log";
    $ru_file = "runlevel.state";
    echo("Starting Server...
    $process = proc_open( java -Xincgc -Xmx640M -jar craftbukkit.jar , $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd, $_ENV);
    $log_handle = fopen($outpt,"w");
    echo("Starting Daemon...
    $run = 1;
    while($run == 1)
        $handle = fopen($ru_file,"r");
        $run = (int)fread($handle, filesize($ru_file));
        $mysqli = mopen();
        $query = $mysqli -> prepare("SELECT ID, Command, Urheber FROM tbl_cmds WHERE passed =  0 ");
        $query -> execute();
        $query -> store_result();
        $query -> bind_result($id, $command, $who);
        while($query -> fetch())
            fwrite($pipes[0], $command);
            $datum = date("d.m.Y H:i:s",time());
            echo("[$datum] Executed command  $command  by User with ID ($who)
            $mysqli2 = mopen();
            $query2 = $mysqli2 -> prepare("UPDATE tbl_cmds SET passed = 1 WHERE ID = ?");
            $query2 -> bind_param("i", $id);
            $query2 -> execute();
    echo("Daemon Stopped...
    echo("Server Stopped...
    echo("Exiting with code 0x0...


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