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原标题:How to print password combination (but with custom constraints for each index)

I am trying to build a dynamic password recovery tool. You can specify a password, and an unknown character list which correspond to unknown password indexes. So, if you remember 90% of your password, and can t remember a few letters, this will do a light weight brute force for you. I am able to combine the user supplied password with an unknown character list; however, I am stuck trying to print every potential password.


password =  Dude123 
charList = [ d8 , vV ,  , D8 ,  ,  ,  ]
finalString = [  .join(set((a, b))) for a, b in zip(password, charList)] 

print(finalString) #This statement yields the following
[ Dd8 ,  uv^ ,  d ,  eD8 ,  1 ,  2 ,  3 ]

Now I need to print: Dude123 dude123 8ude123 Dvde123 dvde123 8vde123 ...






>>> import itertools
>>> password =  Dude123  
>>> charList = [ d8 , vV ,  , D8 ,  ,  ,  ] 
>>> finalString = [  .join(set((a, b))) for a, b in zip(password, charList)] 
>>> possibles = list(  .join(poss) for poss in itertools.product(*finalString))
>>> possibles
[ Dude123 ,  DudD123 ,  Dud8123 ,  Dvde123 ,  DvdD123 ,  Dvd8123 ,  DVde123 ,  DVdD123 ,  DVd8123 ,  dude123 ,  dudD123 ,  dud8123 ,  dvde123 ,  dvdD123 ,  dvd8123 ,  dVde123 ,  dVdD123 ,  dVd8123 ,  8ude123 ,  8udD123 ,  8ud8123 ,  8vde123 ,  8vdD123 ,  8vd8123 ,  8Vde123 ,  8VdD123 ,  8Vd8123 ]


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