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jqGrid inline edit:如果员额回归错误[重复],如何再次储蓄
原标题:jqGrid inline edit: how to save again if post returns error [duplicate]

jQgrid row is edited using inline editing mode. Pressing Enter sends data to server using http POST . POST method returns status 400 Bad reguest if there was some error. errorofunc in code below show error in this case. User corrects data in row and presses enter again.

Pressing enter is ignored, nothing happens. It looks like Enter key is unbound if 404 error is returned. Changes in edited row are lost, they cannot saved.


restoreAfterError = false; grid.restoreAfterErorr = false;


How to allow to save correct row data after 400 error is returned ?

<script type="text/javascript">
var lastSelectedRow;
$(function () {
            var grid = $("#grid");
                url:  /Grid/GetData ,
                datatype: "json",
                mtype:  POST ,
                scroll: 1,
                multiselect: true,
                multiboxonly: true,
                scrollingRows : true,
                autoencode: true,
                colModel: [
        { name:  Source , fixed: true, editable: true, width: 30 },
        { name:  Est , fixed: true, editable: true, width: 271 },
        { name:  Istopic , fixed: true, editable: true, width: 57 },
        {name:  Critical , fixed: true, editable: true, width: 50}

                gridview: true,
                pager:  #pager ,
                sortname:  est ,
                viewrecords: true,
                rowNum: 30,
                sortorder: "asc",
                editurl:  /Grid/Edit 

            $("#grid").jqGrid( bindKeys , {
                onEnter: function(rowid) {
            }  );


        function doeditRow(rowID) {
            var grid2 = $("#grid");
            if (rowID && rowID !== lastSelectedRow) {
                grid2.jqGrid( restoreRow , lastSelectedRow);
                lastSelectedRow = rowID;

        function errorfunc(rowID, response) {
            // todo: why this does not allow Enter key to continue ase after error:
            restoreAfterError = false;
            $("#grid").restoreAfterErorr = false;
            lastSelectedRow = rowID;
            return true;

        function invokeEditRow() {
             $("#grid").jqGrid( editRow , lastSelectedRow ,true,null, null, null, {},

<div id="grid1container" style="width: 100%;">
    <table id="grid">
    <div id="pager">

UPDATE: errrofunc calls editrow which according to https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/blob/master/js/grid.inlinedit.js should set enter key again to save. For unknown reason this does not occur.

UPDATE: in errorfunc grid. is changed to

        $("#grid").restoreAfterErorr = false;

according to Oleg comment


You use variable grid inside of errorfunc implementation (grid.restoreAfterErorr). The grid is undefined and you have exception in the line.

<>UPDATED: ou should取而代之alert(response.responseText);

$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap, <div class="ui-state-error"> +
    response.responseText + </div> , $.jgrid.edit.bClose,{buttonalign: right });

如标准案件一样,见同一风格的方言箱。 在线编辑的<代码>rorfunc负责显示错误信息本身。



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