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原标题:Invalid use of undefined type struct PelephonePH
  • 时间:2011-06-03 12:07:23
  •  标签:
  • c++

i have received in .cpp errors of invalid use of undefined struct PelephonePN, CellcomPN and so on and also error in .h errors of forward declaration of PelephonePN,...

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include "phone.h"

using namespace std;

class PhoneNumber;
class PelephonePN;
class CellcomPN;
class OrangePN;
class HotPN;
class BezeqPN;

class PhoneManager
    PelephonePN* mpPelephone;
    CellcomPN* mpCellcom;
    OrangePN* mpOrange;
    HotPN* mpHot;
    BezeqPN* mpBezeq;
    void split_check_data(string str);


and .cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "phone_manager.h"
#include "phone.h"

using namespace std;

    mpPelephone = new PelephonePN();
    mpCellcom = new CellcomPN();
    mpOrange = new OrangePN();
    mpHot = new HotPN();
    mpBezeq = new BezeqPN();

To instantiate an object, forward declaration is just insufficient. Include the corresponding headers in the source file. In the body of the constructor, you are instantiating mpPelephone, ..... So, make sure that corresponding class headers can be seen in the translation unit.

。 页: 1 标有<条码>的负责人及其联系人。

forward-declare> 标题中,如果你只是把标题或参考资料作为参照点或参考点使用,则标题中的“,但你开始<>使用<>>。 在执行过程中,你需要向汇编者提供finition

You can t use a forward declaration of a class to access its members (which includes the constructor, default or otherwise) or its size and without those two things, you can t instantiate an instance of that class.

You require its FULL implementation to do that, so in your .cpp file you need to include the header with the whole class PelephonePN {/* class body */}; section.




Are your PelephonePN and co. in a particular namespace? If so, predeclarations must all be in the same namespace. Since you added a using namespace std (sigh), my guess is that phone.h is defining your classes inside the namespace std (I hope it doesn t, but that s another thing). If so, your predeclarations must be: namespace std { class PelephonePN; }

Btw,什么是个耳? O.O.

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