原文:Receiving Arguments via Pointers in Python
I have a class whose function defined like this. My intention is to send multiple arguments to it . For testing, I called it as :class_name("argument1","argument2"), and it says: __init__accepts ...
I have a class whose function defined like this. My intention is to send multiple arguments to it . For testing, I called it as :class_name("argument1","argument2"), and it says: __init__accepts ...
How to pass argument to Makefile from command line? I understand I can do $ make action VAR="value" $ value with Makefile VAR = "default" action: @echo $(VAR) How do I get ...
我有一只剪切功能,即作为更大的 al子的一部分,但设计这一功能时却犹豫不决。 正在计算适合多种操作的不同结果......
我正在使用actionscript flex,并使用UI组件,例如,我需要该函数的所有有效参数
我有一个类: class A(object): def __init__(self,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,...........,x,y,z) #做一些初始工作 我有一个子类,需要一个额外的参数(最后一个W) class B(A): def ...