原文:@Transactional method called from another method doesn t obtain a transaction
原文:Hibernate Annotation (Pyramid Structure - same table)
I have a person table that contains the following fields: id, name, parent_id. the parent_id is actually a FK for column id. the data should look like this (Like a pyramid): "id" "name" ...
原文:javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException: validation failed for classes during update time for groups
我有Java / Spring MVC 3号申请,使用Hibernate和MySQL数据库。
原文:Persisting to MySQL using Spring Framework, Hibernate and JPA failed, not really persisting to the database
I was reading all the posts on this issue, but none of them helped. I am trying to persist my entity to MySQL using Hibernate, JPA on Spring Framework 3.0.1. I can find rows from database and ...
原文:Hibernate Envers: No delete entry in audit table for cascading deletes
我是利用Hibernate envers来跟踪对我数据库物体的所有变化。 有时,这些物体与父母与子女的关系有关。 因为我需要问询......
原文:Exception: Could not synchronize database state with session
原文:Problem with lunching Java app (Spring, Hibernate) on Debian (MySQL)
</bean id=>mySqlDataSource>>
原文:Configuration problem with Hibernate and Spring
我试图用Eclipse建立一个春季申请。 自2006年以来 在我试图用浏览器进入我的网络服务时,我先将这一例外情形带入了DAO。
原文:Ordering by varying columns in JPQL/Hibernate
I have a table of Sessions. Each session has "session_start_time" and "session_end_time". While the session is open, the end time is empty. I want to fetch the list of sessions, and order it by the ...
原文:service layer are bound to DB tecnology in a spring application
原文:Unknown character set index for field received from server
我有一例MySQL,在Hibernate写了申请。 在其中一个网页上,我收到了服务器记录中的以下错误信息:
原文:Hiber cache : Cache all fixed data permanently
我没有像有固定数据的国家城市这样的表格。 用户没有在这些数据中输入任何数据。 我为国家、国家、城市造席。 很少有人用固定数据绘制地图。 ......
原文:why my schema.ddl is empty after hibernate3-maven-plugin?
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