原文:iOS webview send var to javascript html file
原文:How do I start the Application Uploader on a Mac?
I ve written an app and I want to upload it to Apple for review and AppStore. I ve read that the Application Uploader is located at /Developer/Applications/Utilities. However, I don t know what I ...
原文:Making background thread to wait until another background thread gets completed in iphone
原文:How to detect a tap gesture in subviews
问 题: 如何发现主食识别器是否属于添加到该观点的分门槛? 例如,如果一点点点点点点点点点点点点点,如点点点点点点点点点点点点点点,点号为......。
原文:How to lazy/async load various elements(data in labels) in a View?
我有一个带有各种标签的观点主计长。 这些标签中的每一个都根据在html网页上运行的各种分类逻辑,在运行的时期内有动态的人口。 问题在于每一区......
原文:setContentOffset loses precision?
我的申请是,如果我需要将电离层电离层电离层电离层电离层电离层的电离层开始。 我在确定内容时注意到,它把点发到最接近的愤怒中。 页: 1
原文:SecKeyGeneratePair returns errSecUnimplemented
试图将RSA加密算法应用到我的SOS,但当我试图产生公私营钥匙时,该功能使我回到错误中。 我正在使用......
原文:Animation with Custom key in CFBasicAnimation Doesn t work when exporting Video
我有一门带有多头 sp和多长时间的骨折。 因此,我要说,我有3种 sp,每部含有16个性区块,我有3秒钟。 ......
原文:Increase ThreadPool thread count in Monotouch?
我已用Sockets为我的评估撰写了我的网络代码。 我在个人计算机窗口上对图书馆进行了测试,速度非常快。 无论它包含许多小的“包装箱”(包装单一指送业务),我还是使用......。
原文:Is it possible to export a PDF from an AIR app for iOS
我从闪电5.5号建筑,用AIR3.1出口,并通过由 Apple果组建的企业(转口我批准)分发。
原文:UIPageControl showing incorrect page
I ve got a UIScrollView including several table, and a UIPageControlding Line of which page theuser is present viewing. 该公司进行罚款,开始在表格上加薪,......
原文:Enterprise distribution apps on iOS, possible to drag and drop the ipa into iTunes?
原文:Arrk! ARC error: CFTypeRef (aka const void * ) to NSNumber * is disallowed
I m trying to convert some Apple code (from SquareCam example) to ARC. I had the Apple code flagged to compile as non-ARC and it worked but I was getting crash errors passing images between the non-...
原文:NSURLConnection behaviour when there is no internet
原文:UISlider highlight state with different thumb width than normal
我试图实施一种习俗,即UISlider(UISlider子级),其行为方式与土长相似,后者在强调时在umb子上low下low。 ......
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