原文:Convert lift-json JValue into MongoDBObject using Casbah?
我试图将装饰的JSON文件改写成Casbah MongoDBObject,这是否可行?
原文:Different results from PHP s driver and MongoDB console when using $near
I m getting different results depending on where I ask from. I have a Mongo collection "stops" indexed by 2d co-ordinates. From the Mongo Console: > db.stops.find({loc:{$near: [-##....
原文:What s the most efficient way of incrementing weekly totals in mongo?
原文:Get child dict values use Mongo Map/Reduce
我有一只红树收集,一只希望获得特定地点名称、时装和变式补贴的总数。 由于我们拥有大量数据,因此它将更好地利用地图/uce。 ......
原文:Unable to connect to mongodb server
原文:Any way to see map results in a mapreduce function?
原文:Why do my MongoDB logs fill up with "getmore local.oplog.rs"?
原文:how to do authenticate in REST web service using jersey and java
原文:Ripping out Hibernate/Mysql for MongoDB or Couch for a Java/Spring/Tomcat web application
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