原文:Add on to: How do I protect my Python codebase so that guests can t see certain modules but so it still works?
I m using upstart v1.4 to start my application server, it s called unicorn. The upstart configuration file looks like this: description "Unicorn Application Server" start on network stop on ...
在NET中,是否有一个简单的方法来检查目前的用户能否在名录中建立档案? 某些相当于C++――接入功能是理想的。
这是我第一次试图在云层座标上播音或任何网站。 我在乌班图服务器上,Wordpress位于瓦尔/www/mydomain/public夹。
I just got a new Samsung Galaxy 2S phone to test my app. When I tried to ran the app, it shows AVD NAme N/A, target unknown and state ??? I have enabled debug mode and unknown sources on the phone. ...
I m trying to test if a file has the execute bit set for the owner in bash script. I know if [ -x filename ] checks for execute permission for the User running the statement but i need to know if the ...
我正在上载一个简单的批量,从一个服务器下载一个文件,并将文件上载到另一个服务器。 档案名称依据的是前一天,即20111124.zip(YYYMMDD)。 文字......
There is profile information, like interests, education and work history, that is available to me when I am browsing profiles of users who are not my friends (while logged in and while logged out). ...
I m 试图利用Facebookston,从公共网页获得最新地位,请见http://www.facebook.com/microsoft。
然而,我想要我的java方案显示我的 app子的安装目录,即我的jar所在地,用户的翻版和收益。 如何做到这一点?
我想允许用户在不打字的情况下向我提供电子邮件地址。 理想的情况是,有一个文本领域,用户可以使用电子邮件地址或将丁吨推到自动填入。