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原标题:How do I display an error message for a GUI app from non-GUI related classes?


I m building an RSS Client and I have a class which manages the various feeds (lets say FeedManager) which is just a wrapper for a list at this point. Now this class calls on another class for data access. So anytime someone in the GUI wants to save the feeds, the GUI simply calls FeedManager.SaveFeeds() which processes the feeds and saves them to a file, database, etc. So I attempt to save to a file and something bad happens (either something I coded for or an exception). So now I m at least 3 levels deep, GUI -> FeedManager -> SomeDataAccessLayer, and I want to display a message to the user like "Hey, that file was not found" or "You don t have permission to write to that location", etc...

我应如何做到这一点? 在数据存取层上安装了MessageBox,这明目张胆地表明,构成家庭调查的夫妇。 采用所有方法的回报都带有任何错误信息,似乎也令人难以置信。





Maybe you overlooked the point is that this is exactly what Exceptions are for: to communicate errors over (multiple) method calls.


也许你可以设立一个处理错误的新班级,这一班级(根据你的意愿)将这一班印到青厅,以公开静态通用公平观的组成部分等形式展示。 这样,你就能够轻松地把它从全球倡议中解脱出来,但仍在其中传达信息。

You should throw exception instead of message box

My solution for this was to use an event with a string parameter and whenever an exception (or any other error) occurred I triggered the event and past to it the message.

In the GUI class that create the instance just need to register to that event and in case it was triggered pop up a message box (or any other info).

namespace XXX {
  public delegate void Error(string a_sErrorMessage);

  public class XXX {

    public event Error OnError;

    public void Test() {

      try {
        // Do something
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        // Trigger the event

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