Have you approached this from the other side? Getting your code reviewed does have value but you can also do a lot on your own.
I don t presume to know if you are doing these already but here are some thoughts.
You should read. A lot. That could involve stackoverflow, technical articles, various coding standards, design guidelines and code. From that research you can apply some self critique. What are others doing that you are not doing and vice versa.
Run fxcop against your code. See what it flags. Read up on the rules and see why they exist. Repeat with stylecop. I think these two can add quite a bit of value in terms of reviewing your code.
Go back and look at old code you have written. See if you can find areas for improvement. You can think about design here instead of just standards and style.
To go back to your actual question, have you tried networking? Do you have any .NET (or other technology) user groups in your area? You may be able to find some good mentors there.