English 中文(简体)
原标题:Should struct definitions go in .h or .c file?



typedef struct s s_t;

很显然,这些备选办法是标题档案和类别定义中的申报,或标题档案中的申报和定义。 两者都应带来同样的可使用性,即使通过联系,也应当加以控制?

I see many almost duplicates, e.g. here but no exact matches. Please correct me if I m wrong in this regard.


Private structures for that file should go in the .c file, with a declaration in the .h file if they are used by any functions in the .h .

Public structures should go in the .h file.



No, not when you consider other .c files including the same header. If the definition of the structure is not visible to the compiler, the details of that definition cannot be used. A declaration without a definition (e.g. just struct s;) causes the compiler to fail if anything tries to look inside struct s, while still allowing it to e.g. compile struct s *foo; (as long as foo is not later dereferenced).


Definition in header:                 Definition in implementation:
+---------------------------------+   +---------------------------------+
| struct s {                      |   | struct s;                       |
|     int internal;               |   |                                 |
|     int other_stuff;            |   | extern void                     |
| };                              |   | api_func(struct s *foo, int x); |
|                                 |   +---------------------------------+
| extern void                     |   +---------------------------------+
| api_func(struct s *foo, int x); |   | #include "api.h"                |
+---------------------------------+   |                                 |
+---------------------------------+   | struct s {                      |
| #include "api.h"                |   |     int internal;               |
|                                 |   |     int other_stuff;            |
| void                            |   | };                              |
| api_func(struct s *foo, int x)  |   |                                 |
| {                               |   | void                            |
|     foo->internal = x;          |   | api_func(struct s *foo, int x)  |
| }                               |   | {                               |
+---------------------------------+   |     foo->internal = x;          |
                                      | }                               |


#include "api.h"

void good(struct s *foo)
    api_func(foo, 123);


#include "api.h"

void bad(struct s *foo)
    foo->internal = 123;


$ gcc -Wall -c bad.c
bad.c: In function  bad :
bad.c:5: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type




The point is, placing it in a header file allows you to use the structure (or any other definition) from multiple source files, just by including that header file.



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